First woman to chair a select committee
Establishment of the Senate committee system
The report, which was presented to the Senate on 17 March 1970, proposed two options—
(1) a limited number of specialist committees to inform the Senate on ‘neglected’ policy areas, and
(2) a comprehensive system of ‘legislative and general purpose’ committees to cover all activities of government departments.
The report formed the context of the debate in the Senate which ultimately led to the formation of a standing committee system in June 1970.
JR Odgers, Clerk of the Senate, 1965–79
Find out more
James Rowland Odgers (Clerk of the Senate 1965-1975), Interview with Robert Linford on the reaction of Senator Murphy to his draft report, 1985 National Library of Australia, TRC 4900/105, session 1, 00:44:13-00:48:38. |