Select Committee on the Container Method of Handling Cargoes
Select Committees on Air Pollution and Water Pollution
Despite the magnitude of the transition, the conversion to metric was unanimously endorsed by a select committee appointed in April 1967 to inquire into the matter.
For the committee, it made sense to bring weights and measures in line with decimal currency, which had been introduced the previous year. With most world trade carried out in metric, the committee warned Australia would be left behind if it stuck with the imperial system. Educators, who were among 141 witnesses questioned by the committee, enthusiastically supported metric on the basis that it was easier to teach and learn.
On the committee’s recommendation, the conversion was conducted over ten years and overseen by the Metric Conversion Board in consultation with the community and states. As a result the transition was fairly seamless. However, metric was not made compulsory—to this day you can still order a pint of beer in an Australian pub.
Portrait of Senator Keith Alexander Laught, 1951, National Library of Australia, nla.obj-137356466
Dame Mabel Miller, member of Tasmanian House of Assembly, c. 1955. Image courtesy of Parliament of Tasmania
‘Metric Conversion Board criticised’, The Canberra Times, 22 March 1976, p. 7,
‘Metric conversion in the nursery’, Hammersley News (Perth, WA), 24 May 1973, p. 10,
Bureau of Meteorology, ‘Temperature and Pressure go Metric’, 1 September 1972. Front cover of a pamphlet issued to raise public awareness of the upcoming metric conversion. Reproduced by permission of Bureau of Meteorology, © 2019 Commonwealth of Australia
Find out more
John Edward Marriott, committee member, Interview with Mark Cranfield, 1982 National Library of Australia, TRC 917, session 21, 00:16:54-00:21:38. |
Australian Screen, An NFSA Website |