Select Committees on the Conduct of a Judge and Allegations Concerning a Judge
Select Committee on Superannuation
The committee produced two extensive reports, tabled in June 1989 and May 1990, which recommended measures to prevent and detect the use of sports drugs and restrict their overall availability. The committee also wanted government agencies and sporting bodies to demonstrate a commitment to prevent the use of drugs.
The government’s immediate response to the first report—subsequently described as the inquiry’s ‘most significant outcome’—was to establish the Australian Sports Drug Testing Agency. Additional recommendations accepted by the government after the tabling of the second report included restrictions upon the importation of particular drugs for personal use, random testing of athletes outside of competition events and the criminalisation of anabolic steroid use.
The Senate inquiry also acted as a catalyst for the 1990 creation of the International Anti-Doping Arrangement which led to the international standardisation of anti-doping procedures.
Senator John Black
Cartoon by Geoff Pryor, The Canberra Times, 15 June 1989, p. 1,