Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee
The Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee inquires into and reports upon various general matters referred to it by the Senate. Portfolios allocated to the committee since 2012 include agriculture, fisheries, forestry, water resources, infrastructure, transport, regional development and cities, local government, the arts and sport.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee hearing into the management of the Murray-Darling Basinat Dalby, Qld, 19 July 2011. L-R: Senators Barnaby Joyce, Sean Edwards and Bill Heffernan [Chair], Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Glenn Sterle and Larissa Waters.
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Committee timeline – Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Video [duration 4:28]—Senators Barry O'Sullivan and Alex Gallacher speaking at the tabling of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee second interim report on the integrity of the water market in the Murray-Darling Basin, 22 March 2018.
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Australia's biosecurity and quarantine arrangements (presented out of session on 10 April 2012)Parliamentary paper number 124/2012
Interim report: Inquiry into Australia's biosecurity and quarantine arrangements (presented out of session on 5 April 2012)
Interim report: Operational issues in export grain networks (presented out of session on 12 April 2012)
Interim report: Inquiry into Australia's biosecurity and quarantine arrangements (presented out of session on 4 April 2012)
Operational issues in export grain networks (presented out of session on 16 April 2012)Parliamentary paper number 123/2012
Second interim report: the Basin Plan: Management of the Murray Darling Basin (presented out of session on 3 October 2012) (Addendum tabled on 11 October 2012)Parliamentary paper number 256/2012
Interim report: Effect on Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapples from Malaysia
Interim report: Tax arrangements for foreign investment in agriculture and the limitations of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975; Examination of the Foreign Investment Review Board National Interest TestParliamentary paper number 451/2012
The management of the Murray-Darling BasinParliamentary paper number 67/2013
Hearing at Roma, Qld, 18 July 2011. Facing camera L-R: Senators Barnaby Joyce, Sean Edwards and Bill Heffernan [Chair], Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Glenn Sterle and Larissa Waters.
Hearing at Roma, Qld, 18 July 2011. L-R: Senators Barnaby Joyce, Sean Edwards and Bill Heffernan [Chair], Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Glenn Sterle and Larissa Waters.
Hearing at Roma, Qld, 18 July 2011.
Committee Chair Senator Bill Heffernan consulting stakeholders, 18 November 2011.
Hearing at Dalby, Qld, 19 July 2011.
Hearing at Brisbane, 20 July 2011 with witnesses Ian Johnson [Water Policy Advisor] and Dan Galligan [CEO] of the Queensland Farmers' Federation.
Hearing at Brisbane, 20 July 2011. Facing camera L-R: Senators Barnaby Joyce, Sean Edwards and Bill Heffernan [Chair], Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Glenn Sterle and Larissa Waters.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee hearing into the management of the Murray-Darling Basinat Dalby, Qld, 19 July 2011. L-R: Senators Barnaby Joyce, Sean Edwards and Bill Heffernan [Chair], Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Glenn Sterle and Larissa Waters.
Interim report: Effect on Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapples from Malaysia; Effect on Australian ginger growers of importing fresh ginger from Fiji; Proposed importation of potatoes from New ZealandParliamentary paper number 72/2013
Interim report: Auditor-General's reports on Tasmanian Forestry Grants Programs (presented out of session on 29 April 2013)
Interim report: Aviation accident investigations (presented out of session on 30 April 2013)
Aviation accident investigations (presented out of session on 23 May 2013)Parliamentary paper number 196/2013
Audio [duration 4:29]—'Senate scathing of air safety regulators', ABC Radio PM program, 23 May 2013.
Second interim report: Auditor-General's reports on Tasmanian Forestry Grants Programs (presented out of session on 6 June 2013)
Auditor-General's reports on Tasmanian Forestry Grants Programs (Addendum tabled on 24 June 2013 PP No. 207/13)Parliamentary paper number 207/2013
Foreign Investment and the National InterestParliamentary paper number 210/2013
Committee hearing, Private Members Dining Room, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 16 November 2011. L-R: Senators Christine Milne and Nick Xenophon, Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Bill Heffernan [Chair], Sean Edwards, Richard Colbeck, Fiona Nash, Barbaby Joyce and Judith Adams. Foreground: Wayne Van Balen [witness].
Hansard and broadcasting staff, 16 November 2011.
Committee hearing, Private Members Dining Room, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 16 November 2011. L-R: Senators Christine Milne, Nick Xenophon (obscured), Alex Gallacher and Anne Urquhart, Jeanette Radcliffe [Committee Secretary], Senators Bill Heffernan [Chair], Sean Edwards, Richard Colbeck, Fiona Nash, Barbaby Joyce and Judith Adams. Foreground: Wayne Van Balen [witness].
Interim report: Ownership arrangements of grain handling (presented out of session on 31 July 2013)
Interim report: Practice of sports science in Australia (presented out of session on 10 July 2013)
Second interim report: Effect on Australian ginger growers of importing fresh ginger from Fiji (presented out of session on 19 July 2013)
Interim report: Review of the citrus industry in Australia (presented out of session on 31 July 2013)
Fourth interim report: Effect on Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapple from Malaysia (presented out of session on 5 September 2013)
Interim report: Beef imports into Australia (presented out of session on 5 July 2013)
First report: Beef imports (presented out of session on 12 July 2013) (Erratum tabled on 12 November 2013)Parliamentary paper number 260/2013
Second interim report: Practice of sports science in Australia (presented out of session on 15 July 2013)
Second interim report: Proposed importation of potatoes from New Zealand (presented out of session on 19 July 2013)
Third interim report: Effect on Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapple from Malaysia (presented out of session on 19 July 2013)
Practice of sports science in Australia (presented out of session on 23 July 2013)Parliamentary paper number 262/2013
Second interim report: Ownership arrangements of grain handling (presented out of session on 30 August 2013)Parliamentary paper number 269/2013
Third interim report: Proposed importation of potatoes from New Zealand (presented out of session on 5 September 2013)
Third interim report: Effect on Australian ginger growers of importing fresh ginger from Fiji (presented out of session on 5 September 2013)
Second interim report: Review of the citrus industry in Australia (presented out of session on 27 September 2013)
References of the 43rd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Ownership arrangements of grain handling)
References of the 43rd Parliament(re-adoption of inquiry into:Effect on Australian ginger growers of importing fresh ginger from Fiji;Effect on Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapple from Malaysia;Prop'd importation of potatoes from NZ)
References of the 43rd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Review of the citrus industry in Australia)
References of the 43rd Parliament (non re-adoption of the inquiry into: Beef imports into Australia)
Final report: Ownership arrangements of grain handlingParliamentary paper number 272/2013
Review of the citrus industry in Australia (presented out of session on 16 December 2013)Parliamentary paper number 18/2014
Fifth interim report: Effect on Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapple from Malaysia (presented out of session on 28 February 2014)
Fourth interim report: Effect on Australian ginger growers of importing fresh ginger from Fiji (presented out of session on 28 February 2014)
Fourth interim report: Proposed importation of potatoes from New Zealand (presented out of session on 28 February 2014)
Qantas' future as a strong national carrier supporting jobs in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 59/2014
Final report: Effect on - Australian pineapple growers of importing fresh pineapple from Malaysia; - Australian ginger growers of importing fresh ginger from Fiji; Proposed importation of potatoes from New Zealand (presented out of session 31 March 2014)Parliamentary paper number 112/2014
Future of the beekeeping and pollination service industries in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 146/2014
Implications of the restriction on the use of fenthion on Australia's horticultural industry (presented out of session on 31 July 2014)Parliamentary paper number 162/2014
Industry structures and systems governing levies on grass-fed cattle (presented out of session on 9 September 2014)Parliamentary paper number 175/2014
Role of public transport in delivering productivity outcomes (presented out of session on 5 December 2014)Parliamentary paper number 45/2015
Current requirements for labelling of seafood and seafood products (presented out of session on 18 December 2014)Parliamentary paper number 47/2015
Grain export networks, including the on- and off-farm storage, transport, handling and export of Australian grain (presented out of session on 4 June 2015)Parliamentary paper number 196/2015
Current and future arrangements for the marketing of Australian sugar (Erratum presented out of session on 21 July 2015)Parliamentary paper number 189/2015
Australia's transport energy resilience and sustainabilityParliamentary paper number 193/2015
Industry structures and systems governing the imposition and disbursement of marketing and research and development (R&D) levies in the agriculture sector (presented out of session on 30 June 2015)Parliamentary paper number 217/2015
Interim report: Increasing use of so-called Flag of Convenience shipping in Australia
Australian grape and wine industry (presented out of session on 12 February 2016 and Erratum tabled 1 March 2016)Parliamentary paper number 65/2016
Interim report: Decision to fund the Perth Freight Link project (presented out of session on 22 April 2016)
Interim report: Aspects of road safety in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 168/2016
Interim report: Future role and contribution of regional capitals to AustraliaParliamentary paper number 166/2016
Second interim report: Increasing use of so-called Flag of Convenience shipping in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 170/2016
Decision to commit funding to the Perth Freight Link projectParliamentary paper number 171/2016
Interim report: Effect of market consolidation on the red meat processing sectorParliamentary paper number 190/2016
Final report: Future role and contribution of regional capitals to AustraliaParliamentary paper number 451/2016
Import of seafood and seafood products
Airport and aviation securityParliamentary paper number 85/2017
Interim report: Biosecurity risks associated with the importation of seafood and seafood products (including uncooked prawns and uncooked prawn meat) into AustraliaParliamentary paper number 215/2017
Increasing use of so-called Flag of Convenience shipping in Australia (presented out of session on 19 July 2017)Parliamentary paper number 221/2017
Effect of market consolidation on the red meat processing sectorParliamentary paper number 303/2017
Australia’s rail industryParliamentary paper number 336/2017
Aspects of road safety in Australia (presented out of session on 26 October 2017)Parliamentary paper number 621/2017
Biosecurity risks associated with the importation of seafood and seafood products (including uncooked prawns and uncooked prawn meat) into Australia (presented out of session on 31 October 2017)Parliamentary paper number 622/2017
Interim report: Integrity of the water market in the Murray-Darling BasinParliamentary paper number 538/2017
Second interim report: Integrity of the water market in the Murray-Darling BasinParliamentary paper number 73/2018
Current and future regulatory requirements that impact on the safe commercial and recreational use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and associated systems (presented out of session on 31 July 2018)Parliamentary paper number 239/2018
Committee members view the Westpac ‘Little Ripper Lifesaver’ in Dalby, Queensland, 16 March 2017. L-R: Stephen Harley [General Manager, Chief Technology Office, Telstra Corporation], Senators Anthony Chisholm, Chris Back, Barry O'Sullivan [Deputy Chair], Janet Rice and Glenn Sterle [Chair], Eddie Bennet [CEO, The Ripper Group] and Ben Trollope [Chief Operations Officer, The Ripper Group]. Kneeling, L-R: Senator David Fawcett and Operator, Westpac Little Ripper Lifesaver.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee members view the Westpac ‘Little Ripper Lifesaver’ in Dalby, Queensland, 16 March 2017. L-R: Senators Barry O’Sullivan [Deputy Chair], Anthony Chisholm, David Fawcett and Glenn Sterle [Chair], Eddie Bennet, [CEO, The Ripper Group] and Senators Chris Back and Janet Rice.
Audio [duration 5:06]—'Drones may be more heavily regulated after Senate inquiry', ABC Radio PM program, 2 November 2017.
Need for regulation of mobility scooters, also known as motorised wheelchairsParliamentary paper number 312/2018
Regulatory approaches to ensure the safety of pet foodParliamentary paper number 358/2018
Integrity of the water market in the Murray-Darling BasinParliamentary paper number 570/2018
Independence of regulatory decisions made by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) (presented out of session on 1 February 2019)Parliamentary paper number 16/2019
Operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities (presented out of session on 7 June 2019)Parliamentary paper number 180/2019
Representatives from Mount Isa City Council appear before the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, 12 April 2018. L-R at table on right: Senators Rex Patrick and Barry O'Sullivan [Acting Chair], Tim Watling [Acting Committee Secretary] and Senators Richard Colbeck and Anthony Chisholm. Image courtesy of Parliamentary Broadcasting.
Provision of rescue, firefighting and emergency response at Australian airportsParliamentary paper number 221/2019
Feasibility of a National Horse Traceability Register for all horsesParliamentary paper number 508/2019
Identification of leading practices in ensuring evidence- based regulation of farm practices that impact water quality outcomes in the Great Barrier ReefParliamentary paper number 249/2020
Future of Australia's aviation sector, in the context of COVID-19 and conditions post pandemic (presented out of session on 17 March 2022)Parliamentary paper number 73/2022
Progress report: Fisheries quota system (presented out of session on 4 March 2022)
Adequacy of Australia's biosecurity measures and response preparedness, in particular reference to foot-and-mouth disease and varroa mite (presented out of session 8 December 2022)
Fisheries quota system (presented out of session 7 December 2022)
Bank closures in regional Australia: Protecting the future of regional banking (presented out of session on 24 May 2024)
Interim report: Shutdown of the 3G mobile network (presented out of session on 1 August 2024)
Progress report: Impact and mitigation of aircraft noise (presented out of session on 25 October 2024)