The References Committee inquired into and reported upon various general matters referred to it by the Senate. Portfolios allocated to the committee included agriculture, fisheries, forestry, infrastructure and transport.
Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation and References committee members, 22 June 2011. Standing L-R: Senators Kerry O'Brien, Nick Xenophon, Rachel Siewert, Christopher Back, Fiona Nash and Richard Colbeck, Trish Carling [Research Officer], Senator Steve Hutchins and Jeanette Radcliffe [Secretary]. Seated L-R: Senators Glenn Sterle [Deputy Chair, References], Bill Heffernan [Chair, References] and Christine Milne. DPS Auspic.
Date tabled
Read report
References of the 42nd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Biosecurity and quarantine)
Report on matters referred to Committee in previous Parliament
Australian Horse Industry and an Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (presented out of session on 26 November 2010)Parliamentary paper number 4/2011
Interim report: Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian honey bee (presented out of session on 7 April 2011)Parliamentary paper number 79/2011
Interim report: Pilot training and airline safety, including the consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010 (presented out of session on 4 May 2011)
Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government (presented out of session on 29 April 2011)Parliamentary paper number 82/2011
Interim report: Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government (presented out of session on 15 April 2011)
Pilot training and airline safety; and Consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010Parliamentary paper number 162/2011
Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian honey beeParliamentary paper number 161/2011
Animal welfare standards in Australia's live export markets; Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2]; Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2]Parliamentary paper number 420/2011
Interim report: Biosecurity and quarantine arrangements: the management of the removal of the fee rebate for AQIS export certification functions (presented out of session on 12 December 2011)Parliamentary paper number 5/2012
Interim report: the impact of mining coal seam gas on the management of the Murray Darling Basin: Management of the Murray Darling Basin (presented out of session on 30 November 2011)Parliamentary paper number 1/2012
Audio [duration 8:16]—'Coal seam gas report', ABC Radio RN Breakfast, 1 December 2011.
Progress report: Importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry (presented out of session on 28 June 2021)
Inland Rail: derailed from the startParliamentary paper number 223/2021
Without trucks Australia stops: the development of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industryParliamentary paper number 243/2021
Interim report: Water Legislation Amendment (Inspector- General of Water Compliance and Other Measures) Act 2021 (presented out of session on 30 September 2021)
Federal Government's response to the drought, and the adequacy and appropriateness of policies and measures to support farmers, regional communities and the Australian economyParliamentary paper number 456/2021
Water Legislation Amendment (Inspector-General of Water Compliance and Other Measures) Act 2021