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The Legislation Committee examined bills referred to it by the Senate, scrutinised proposed annual and additional government expenditure and oversaw the performance of government departments and agencies, including their annual reports. Portfolios allocated to the committee included agriculture, fisheries, forestry, infrastructure and transport.


Glenn Sterle



Date tabledTitleRead report
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2010)Parliamentary paper number 334/2010
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Airports Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 396/2010
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Additional estimates 2010-11Parliamentary paper number 71/2011
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Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011)Parliamentary paper number 72/2011
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Interim report: Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011 (presented out of session on 25 May 2011)
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Budget estimates 2011-12Parliamentary paper number 180/2011
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Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011Parliamentary paper number 190/2011
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Annual reports (No. 2 of 2011)Parliamentary paper number 191/2011
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Quarantine Amendment (Disallowing Permits) Bill 2011Parliamentary paper number 457/2011
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Progress report: Budget estimates 2021-22 (presented out of session on 13 July 2021)
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Budget estimates 2021-22Parliamentary paper number 220/2021
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Annual reports (No. 2 of 2021)Parliamentary paper number 241/2021
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Biosecurity Amendment (Enhanced Risk Management) Bill 2021 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 14 October 2021)Parliamentary paper number 495/2021
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