Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
The Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee examined legislation referred to it by the Senate, scrutinised proposed annual and additional expenditure and monitored the administration and annual reports of government portfolios including agriculture, fisheries, forestry, energy, housing, regional development and transport.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee hearing evidence from officers from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and related agencies at a budget estimates hearing, 28 May 2001. Seated facing camera L-R: Senators Kerry O'Brien, Michael Forshaw [Deputy Chair] and Jeannie Ferris [Acting Chair], Andrew Snedden [Secretary], Senators John Woodley and Shayne Murphy. DPS Auspic.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee at estimates hearings in 2000. Seated at table R-L: Senators Jeannie Ferris and Winston Crane, Andrew Snedden [Secretary] and Senators Michael Forshaw and Kerry O'Brien.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation and References Committee, July 2002. Standing L-R: Senators Richard Colbeck, Kerry O'Brien, John Cherry and Bill Heffernan. Seated L-R: Senators Winston Crane and Jeannie Ferris.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, 1999. Standing from left: Senators Michael Forshaw, Julian McGauran, Kerry O'Brien and Jeannie Ferris, Andrew Snedden [Secretary]; Seated L-R: Senators Winston Crane, John Woodley, Paul Calvert and Jeannie Ferris.
Members and staff of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, 1999. Standing from left: Rosalind McMahon [Executive Assistant], Jade Ricza [Executive Assistant], John O'Keefe [Senior Research Office], Senators Michael Forshaw, Julian McGauran and Kerry O'Brien, Robina Jaffray [Principal Research Officer], Trish Carling [Estimates/Research Officer], Andrew Snedden [Secretary]; Seated L-R: Senators Winston Crane, John Woodley, Paul Calvert and Jeannie Ferris.
Date tabled
Read report
Deer Industry Legislation RevisitedParliamentary paper number 468/1994
Estimates Report, December 1994Parliamentary paper number 471/1994
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1995Parliamentary paper number 484/1995
Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1994 [1995]Parliamentary paper number 486/1995
Estimates Report, June 1995Parliamentary paper number 491/1995
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1995Parliamentary paper number 485/1995
Estimates Report, November 1955Parliamentary paper number 492/1995
Australian Quarantine and Inspection ServiceParliamentary paper number 11/1996
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1996Parliamentary paper number 425/1996
Shipping Grants Legislation Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 432/1996
Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1996Parliamentary paper number 432/1996
Airports Bill 1996 and Airports (Transitional) Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 430/1996
Estimates Report, October 1996Parliamentary paper number 431/1996
Importation of Cooked Chicken Meat into AustraliaParliamentary paper number 192/1996
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 1996Parliamentary paper number 135/1997
Estimates Report, March 1997Parliamentary paper number 137/1997
Estimates Report, June 1997Parliamentary paper number 136/1997
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 1997Parliamentary paper number 470/1997
Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 464/1997
Farm Household Support Amendment (Restart and Exceptional Circumstances) Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 464/1997
Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No.2) 1997 (No.3)Parliamentary paper number 464/1997
Live-stock Transactions Levy Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 464/1997
Estimates Report, November 1997Parliamentary paper number 465/1997
Sun Fund Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 464/1997
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1997Parliamentary paper number 147/1998
Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Amendment Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 400/1998
Estimates Report, June 1998Parliamentary paper number 144/1998
Stevedoring Levy (Collection) Bill 1998 and Stevedoring Levy (Imposition) Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 400/1998
Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill (No.3) 1997Parliamentary paper number 400/1998
Wheat Marketing Legislation Amendment Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 400/1998
Examination of Annual Reports: No.1 of 1998Parliamentary paper number 401/1998
Wool International Amendment Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 385/1998
Regional Forest Agreements Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 27/1999
Estimates Report, March 1999Parliamentary paper number 94/1999
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 1998Parliamentary paper number 58/1999
Quarantine Amendment Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 156/1999
Wool International Privatisation Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 156/1999
Estimates Report, June 1999Parliamentary paper number 154/1999
Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 156/1999
Supplementary Estimates Report, June 1999Parliamentary paper number 154/1999
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 1999Parliamentary paper number 185/1999
Stevedoring Levy (Collection) Amendment Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 449/1999
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service and the Importation of Salmon - Interim Report
Northern Prawn Fishery Amendment Management Plan 1999Parliamentary paper number 41/2000
Estimates Report, March 2000Parliamentary paper number 83/2000
Class G Airspace Trial
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1999Parliamentary paper number 157/2000
Dairy Industry Adjustment Bill 2000, Dairy Adjustment Levy (Excise) Bill 2000, Dairy Adjustment Levy (Customs) Bill 2000 and Dairy Adjustment Levy (General) Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 152/2000
Albury-Wodonga Development Amendment Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 152/2000
Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation Amendment (Funding and Wool Tax) Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 152/2000
An Appropriate Level of Protection? The Importation of Salmon Products: A Case Study of the Administration of Australian Quarantine and the Impact of International Trade ArrangementsParliamentary paper number 111/2000
Estimates Report, June 2000Parliamentary paper number 153/2000
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2000Parliamentary paper number 444/2000
Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority: Matters Related to ARCAS AirwaysParliamentary paper number 217/2000
Wool Services Privatisation Bill 2000 (presented to the President of the Senate on 20 October 2000)Parliamentary paper number 447/2000
The Australian Meat and Live-Stock Industry (High Quality Beef Export to the European Union) Order 2000Parliamentary paper number 442/2000
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2001Parliamentary paper number 43/2001
Estimates Report, March 2001Parliamentary paper number 64/2001
Aviation Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2001 [formerly Aviation Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2000]Parliamentary paper number 133/2001
Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 133/2001
Dairy Produce Legislation Amendment (Supplementary Assistance) Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 133/2001
Video [duration 6:00]—Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee hearing, 30 May 2001, on discussing specific matters without naming names.
Estimates Report, June 2001Parliamentary paper number 132/2001
Proposed Importation of Fresh Apple Fruit from New Zealand (Interim Report)Parliamentary paper number 136/2001
Maritime Legislation Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 237/2001
Scrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 2001Parliamentary paper number 172/2001
Motor Vehicle Standards Amendment Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 237/2001
Regional Forest Agreements Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 237/2001
References of the 39th Parliament (readoption of the inquiries into: Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority; Import risk assessment on New Zealand apples; Administration of AuSAR in relation to the search for the Margaret J)
Estimates Report, March 2002Parliamentary paper number 243/2002
Scrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2002Parliamentary paper number 242/2002
Airports Amendment Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 329/2002
Administration by the Department of Transport and Regional Services of Australia motor vehicle standards under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 and regulationsParliamentary paper number 296/2002
Estimates Report, June 2002Parliamentary paper number 328/2002
The introduction of quota management controls on Australian beef exports to the United States by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and ForestryParliamentary paper number 311/2002
Interim Report - Proposed importation of fresh apple fruit from New Zealand
Interim Report - Administration of AusSAR in relation to the search for the Margaret J
Interim Report - Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Annual Reports (No. 2 of 2002)Parliamentary paper number 573/2002
The Australian meat industry consultative structure and quota allocation - Interim report: allocation of the US beef quotaParliamentary paper number 385/2002
Provisions of the Egg Industry Service Provision Bill 2002 [and] Provisions of the Egg Industry Service Provision (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 607/2002
Provisions of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002Parliamentary paper number 607/2002
The Australia meat industry consultative structure and quota allocation: Second report - Existing government advisory structures in the Australian meat industryParliamentary paper number 612/2002
Transport Safety Investigation Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 153/2003
Additional estimates 2002-03Parliamentary paper number 55/2003
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2003)Parliamentary paper number 56/2003
Provisions of the Dairy Industry Service Reform Bill 2003 and the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Amendment (Dairy) Bill 2003Parliamentary paper number 153/2003
Provisions of the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 153/2003
Budget estimates 2003-04Parliamentary paper number 151/2003
Provisions of the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill 2003Parliamentary paper number 153/2003
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2003)Parliamentary paper number 267/2003
Provisions of the Aviation Transport Security Bill 2003 and the Aviation Transport Security (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2003Parliamentary paper number 441/2003
Management of the quarantine risks associated with the possible return to Australia of sheep aboard the MV Cormo ExpressParliamentary paper number 339/2003
Provisions of the Maritime Transport Security Bill 2003Parliamentary paper number 441/2003
Draft Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2003Parliamentary paper number 415/2003
Statement made on 4 December 2003: Progress of the committee's inquiry into the application and expenditure of funds by Australian Wool Innovation Ltd.
Australian Wool Innovation Limited: Application and expenditure of funds advanced under Statutory Funding Agreement dated 31 December 2000Parliamentary paper number 19/2004
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2004)Parliamentary paper number 84/2004
Proposed importation of fresh apple fruit from New Zealand - Final reportParliamentary paper number 67/2004
Additional estimates 2003-04Parliamentary paper number 63/2004
Customs Tariff Amendment (Paraquat Dichloride) Bill 2004Parliamentary paper number 142/2004
Biosecurity Australia's import risk analysis for pig meatParliamentary paper number 93/2004
Provisions of the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand and Other Matters) Bill 2003Parliamentary paper number 142/2004
Budget estimates 2004-05Parliamentary paper number 140/2004
Provisions of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (Export Control) Bill 2004 (additional information tabled on 23 June 2004)Parliamentary paper number 142/2004
Interim report - Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety AuthorityParliamentary paper number 181/2004
Administration of AusSAR in relation to the search for the Margaret JParliamentary paper number 202/2004
Provisions of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (presented out of session on 2 September 2004)Parliamentary paper number 228/2004
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2004) [includes the final report on the administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority] (presented out of session on 1 September 2004)Parliamentary paper number 239/2004
Interim report - Provisions of the National Animal Welfare Bill 2003 (presented out of session on 8 September 2004) (see report on National Animal Welfare Bill 2005 tabled on 22 June 2006 - PP 146/06)
References of the 40th Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiries into: Administration of Biosecurity Australia - Revised draft import risk analysis for bananas from the Philippines; Revised draft import risk assessment for apples from New Zealand)
Additional estimates 2004-05Parliamentary paper number 64/2005
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2005)Parliamentary paper number 60/2005
Administration of Biosecurity Australia: Revised draft import risk analysis for bananas from the Philippines (inquiry was re-referred on 1 December 2004 in the 41st Parliament)Parliamentary paper number 62/2005
Administration of Biosecurity Australia: Revised draft import risk analysis for apples from New Zealand (inquiry was re-referred on 1 December 2004 in the 41st Parliament)Parliamentary paper number 63/2005
Provisions of the Border Protection Legislation Amendment (Deterrence of Illegal Foreign Fishing) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 173/2005
Provisions of the AusLink (National Land Transport) Bill 2004 and the AusLink (National Land Transport-Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2004 (additional information tabled on 16 June 2005)Parliamentary paper number 173/2005
Budget estimates 2005-06Parliamentary paper number 171/2005
Regulatory framework under the Maritime Transport Security Amendment Act 2005 (additional information tabled on 13 September 2005)Parliamentary paper number 169/2005
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005 (additional information tabled on 6 September 2005)Parliamentary paper number 463/2005
Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Maritime Security Guards and Other Measures) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 463/2005
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2005)Parliamentary paper number 202/2005
Additional estimates 2005-06Parliamentary paper number 61/2006
Audio [duration 3:18]—'Opposition probes wheat scandal in Senate estimates hearing', ABC Radio AM program, 14 February 2006.
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2006)Parliamentary paper number 84/2006
Provisions of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Security Plans and Other Measures) Bill 2006Parliamentary paper number 146/2006
Budget estimates 2006-07Parliamentary paper number 144/2006
The administration by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of the citrus canker outbreakParliamentary paper number 120/2006
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee hearing evidence from witness Michael Benham at a public hearing in Emerald, Qld, of its inquiry into the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s administration of the citrus canker outbreak, 28 July 2005. Seated L-R: Senators Glenn Sterle, Christine Milne and Bill Heffernan [Chair], Maureen Weeks [Secretary], Senators Jeannie Ferris and Julian McGauran.
National Animal Welfare Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 146/2006
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2006)Parliamentary paper number 175/2006