The Standing Committee on Community Affairs inquired into and reported on matters referred to it by the Senate, and monitored the administration of various government portfolios including primary industries, energy and regional development.
Members of the Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs on a site visit inspecting properties in western NSW during its inquiry into drought management, January 1992. L-R: Senators Sue West, David Brownhill [Deputy Chair], Bryant Burns [Chair] and Paul Calvert.
Date tabled
Read report
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1991Parliamentary paper number 475/1991
A National Drought Policy - Appropriate Government Responses to the Recommendations of the Drought Policy Review Task Force (First Report)Parliamentary paper number 193/1992
Forest Conservation and Development Bill 1991Parliamentary paper number 520/1992
Deer Slaughter Levy Bill 1992; Deer Velvet Levy Bill 1992; Deer Velvet Export Charge Bill 1992; Deer Export Charge Bill 1992; Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Amendment Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 520/1992
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1992Parliamentary paper number 543/1992
A National Drought Policy - Appropriate Government Responses to the Recommendations of the Drought Policy Review Task Force (Final Report)Parliamentary paper number 234/1992
Imported Food Control Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 544/1992
Appropriations of the Department of Primary Industries and EnergyParliamentary paper number 544/1992
Beef Cattle Feedlots in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 538/1992
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1992Parliamentary paper number 545/1992
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1993Parliamentary paper number 116/1993
Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation Bill 1993; Wool International Bill 1993; Wool Legislation (Repeals and Consequential Provisions) Bill 1993 and Wool Tax (Nos 1 to 5) Amendment Bills 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993
Domestic Meat Premises Charge Bill 1993 and Export Inspection Charges Law Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1993Parliamentary paper number 454/1993
Employment of Visitors to Australia in the Shearing IndustryParliamentary paper number 18/1994
Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs at a public hearing in Muttaburra, Qld, of its inquiry into employment of visitors to Australia in the shearing industry, 6 June 1993. Seated facing camera L-R: Senators Jim McKiernan, Bryant Burns [Chair], David Brownhill [Deputy Chair] and Paul Calvert. Seated at witness table with backs to camera L-R: Witnesses Lorraine Fysh [Central and Northern Graziers Association], John Rutherford [Chair, Sheep and Wool Council, Central and Northern Graziers Association] and William Ballinger [Chair, Muttaburra Branch, Central and Northern Graziers Association].
Ted Woodfield, New Zealand's High Commissioner to Australia, with members of the Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs after appearing before a public hearing of its shearing industry employment inquiry, 11 June 1993. L-R: Senators Paul Calvert, Sue West, David Brownhill [Deputy Chair] and Bryant Burns [Chair], High Commissioner Ted Woodfield, Senators Winston Crane and Jim McKiernan.
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Bill 1993; Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Bill 1993; Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1993 (and 4 related Bills)Parliamentary paper number 183/1994
Plant Breeder's Rights Bill 1994Parliamentary paper number 183/1994
A Matter Arising from the Committee's Consideration of the Plant Breeder's Rights Bill 1994Parliamentary paper number 183/1994
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1994Parliamentary paper number 184/1994
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1994Parliamentary paper number 184/1994