Finance and Public Administration References Committee
The Finance and Public Administration References Committee inquires into and reports on various general matters referred to it by the Senate. Portfolios allocated to the committee since 2009 include finance, prime minister and cabinet, Indigenous affairs and the parliament.
Committee members and employees from Campbell Page, the local Community Development Program provider on Palm Island, Queensland, at a public hearing held at the Police Citizens Youth Club, 4 October 2017. Seated on left facing camera L-R: Senators Patrick Dodson and James Paterson [Deputy Chair], Tasman Larnach [Acting Secretary], Senators Jenny McAllister [Chair], Sue Lines and Malarndirri McCarthy.
Date tabled
Read report
Relationship between the Central Land Council and Centrecorp Aboriginal Investment Corporation Pty LtdParliamentary paper number 421/2009
Independent Arbitration of Public Interest Immunity ClaimsParliamentary paper number 6/2010
Native Vegetation Laws, Greenhouse Gas Abatement and Climate Change Measures (presented out of session on 30 April 2010)Parliamentary paper number 84/2010
Council of Australian Governments Reforms Relating to Health and HospitalsParliamentary paper number 135/2010
The funding arrangements for tax reform advertising (presented out of session on 30 June 2010)Parliamentary paper number 172/2010
Interim Report: Inquiry into the Reform of Australian Government Administration (presented out of session on 17 August 2010)
Matter Referred to Committee in Previous Parliament: Inquiry into the Reform of Australian Government Administration
The administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) (presented out of session on 3 June 2011)Parliamentary paper number 129/2011
Superannuation claims of former and current Commonwealth Public Service employees (presented out of session on 30 June 2011)Parliamentary paper number 166/2011
The Government's administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)Parliamentary paper number 182/2011
The operation of the Lobbying Code of Conduct and the Lobbyist RegisterParliamentary paper number 61/2012
Medicare funding for Hyperbaric Oxygen TreatmentParliamentary paper number 449/2012
Implementation of the National Health Reform Agreement (presented out of session on 7 March 2013)Parliamentary paper number 66/2013
Interim report: Progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the 1999 Joint Expert Technical Advisory Committee on Antibiotic Resistance (presented out of session on 10 May 2013)
Second interim report: Progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the 1999 Joint Expert Technical Advisory Committee on Antibiotic Resistance (presented out of session on 24 May 2013)
Progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the 1999 Joint Expert Technical Advisory Committee on Antibiotic Resistance (presented out of session on 7 June 2013)Parliamentary paper number 197/2013
Third interim report: Progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the 1999 Joint Expert Technical Advisory Committee on Antibiotic Resistance (presented out of session on 6 June 2013)
Senate order for departmental and agency contractsParliamentary paper number 121/2014
Commonwealth procurement proceduresParliamentary paper number 150/2014
Interim report: Domestic violence in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 67/2015
Audio [duration 3:15]—'Committee says legal and housing budget cuts hurting women and should be reversed', ABC Radio AM program, 20 March 2015.
Domestic violence in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 228/2015
Commonwealth Indigenous Advancement Strategy tendering processesParliamentary paper number 97/2016
Audio [duration 2:37]—'Senate report finds failures in Indigenous funding strategy', ABC Radio AM program, 18 March 2016.
Interim report: Commonwealth legislative provisions relating to oversight of associated entities of political parties (presented out of session on 29 April 2016)Parliamentary paper number 157/2016
Final report: Commonwealth legislative provisions relating to oversight of associated entities of political partiesParliamentary paper number 188/2016
Outcomes of the 42nd meeting of the Council of Australian Governments held on 1 April 2016Parliamentary paper number 187/2016
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience of law enforcement and justice servicesParliamentary paper number 259/2016
Domestic violence and gender inequalityParliamentary paper number 378/2016
Commonwealth funding of Indigenous TasmaniansParliamentary paper number 445/2016
Operation of the Administrative Arrangements Order, the effectiveness of the division and performance of responsibilities under it, and any other related mattersParliamentary paper number 61/2017
Operation, effectiveness, and consequences of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Location of Corporate Commonwealth Entities) Order 2016 (presented out of session on 9 June 2017)Parliamentary paper number 164/2017
Gender segregation in the workplace and its impact on women’s economic equality (presented out of session on 7 June 2017)Parliamentary paper number 162/2017
Circumstances in which Australians’ personal Medicare information has been compromised and made available for sale illegally on the 'dark web’Parliamentary paper number 443/2017
Delivery of National Outcome 4 of the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children 2010-2022 (presented out of session on 15 December 2017)Parliamentary paper number 595/2018
Appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of the Community Development Program (CDP) (presented out of session on 14 December 2017)Parliamentary paper number 594/2018
Finance and Public Administration References Committee meeting in Alice Springs with staff from Tangentyere Council and Tangentyere Constructions during its inquiry into the Community Development Program, 28 August 2017.
Committee members touring the workshop at Tangentyere Constructions at Alice Springs during a site visit on 28 August 2017.
Committee members with Tangentyere Employment Services participants and employees in Alice Springs, 28 August 2017.
Committee member Senator Dean Smith learning how to operate a mini-excavator used by Community Development Program participants at Papunya, NT, 29 August 2017.
Committee members with Community Development Program participants and Ngurratjuta Pmara Ntjarra staff at Papunya, NT, 29 August 2017. Includes Senators Jenny McAllister [Chair], Dean Smith, Malarndirri McCarthy, Rachel Siewert and Kimberley Kitching.
Committee members with Community Development Program participants and Campbell Page staff, Palm Island, Queensland, 4 October 2017.
Committee members Senators Malarndirri McCarthy, Patrick Dodson, Sue Lines and James Paterson speaking with Campbell Page staff and CDP participants at the PCYC arts and crafts activities centre, Palm Island, 4 October 2017.
Committee members with CDP participants and Campbell Page staff at the PCYC arts and crafts activities centre, Palm Island, 4 October 2017.
Video [duration 0:15]— Committee member Senator Dean Smith learning how to operate a mini-excavator used by Community Development Program participants at Papunya, NT, 29 August 2017.
Arrangements for the postal surveyParliamentary paper number 22/2018
Digital delivery of government servicesParliamentary paper number 222/2018
Compliance by former Ministers of State with the requirements of the Prime Minister’s Statement of Ministerial Standards (presented out of session on 26 September 2019)Parliamentary paper number 350/2019
Interim report: Lessons to be learned in relation to the Australian bushfire season 2019-20Parliamentary paper number 240/2020
Progress report: Current capability of the Australian Public Service (APS) (presented out of session on 27 October 2021)
APS Inc: undermining public sector capability and performance: The current capability of the Australian
Public ServiceParliamentary paper number 536/2021
Administration and expenditure of funding under the Urban Congestion Fund (UCF)
Final report: Lessons to be learned in relation to the Australian bushfire season 2019-20
Planning, construction and management of the Western Sydney Airport project (presented out of session on 30 June 2022)Parliamentary paper number 188/2022
Administration of the referendum into an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice (presented out of session on 9 June 2023)
PwC: A Calculated Breach of Trust
PwC: The Cover-up Worsens the Crime
Access to Australian Parliament House by lobbyists (presented out of session on 7 May 2024)
Progress report: Access to Australian Parliament House by lobbyists (presented out of session on 30 April 2024)
Progress report: Management and assurance of integrity by consulting services (presented out of session on 31 May 2024)
Final report: Management and assurance of integrity by consulting services (presented out of session on 12 June 2024)
Supporting the development of sovereign capability in the Australian tech sector (presented out of session on 28 June 2024)