Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee
The Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee examined bills referred to it by the Senate, scrutinised proposed annual and additional expenditure and monitored the administration and annual reports of government portfolios including prime minister and cabinet, finance, administrative services, human services and the parliament.
Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee at a supplementary budget estimates hearing, 4 November 2003. L-R: Senators George Brandis and Brett Mason [Chair], Alistair Sands [Secretary] and Senator Andrew Murray [Deputy Chair]. DPS Auspic.
Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, 2001. Standing L-R: Senators Ross Lightfoot, Stephen Conroy and Robert Ray. Seated L-R: Senators Andrew Murray [Deputy Chair], Brett Mason [Chair] and George Brandis.
Geoff Pryor, 'Focus group...', Canberra Times, 26 February 1998. Cartoon in response to the Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee's examination of a proposed government advertising campaign on the Wik issue which was discontinued following unfavourable focus group reaction.
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Video [duration 3:52]—Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee hearing, 25 February 1998, on a proposed government advertising campaign on the Wik issue which was discontinued following unfavourable focus group reaction.
Date tabled
Read report
ATSIC Amendment (Indigenous Land Corporation and Land Fund) Bill 1994 and Aboriginal Councils and Associations Legislation Amendment Bill 1994Parliamentary paper number 474/1994
Estimates Report, December 1994Parliamentary paper number 471/1994
Annual Reports tabled July 1994 - December 1994Parliamentary paper number 484/1995
Supplementary Estimates Hearing Arising from Consideration of Additional Estimates 1994-95: National Media Liaison Service
Financial Management and Accountability Bill 1994; Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Bill 1994; Auditor-General Bill 1994 and the Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 1995Parliamentary paper number 486/1995
Additional Estimates 1994-95: Supplementary HearingParliamentary paper number 496/1995
Estimates Report, June 1995Parliamentary paper number 491/1995
Annual Reports tabled January 1995 - June 1995Parliamentary paper number 484/1995
List of Commonwealth BodiesParliamentary paper number 151/1995
Provisions of the ANL Sale Bill 1995Parliamentary paper number 488/1995
Prime Minister and Cabinet (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1995Parliamentary paper number 488/1995
Estimates Report, November 1995Parliamentary paper number 492/1995
Annual Reports tabled July 1995 - December 1995Parliamentary paper number 425/1996
References of the 37th Parliament (readoption of Inquiries into Statutory Authorities, Non-statutory Bodies and Companies and Associations)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 432/1996
List of Commonwealth BodiesParliamentary paper number 66/1996
Annual Reports tabled January 1996 - June 1996Parliamentary paper number 426/1996
Estimates Report, October 1996Parliamentary paper number 431/1996
Ombudsman Amendment Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 139/1997
Annual Reports tabled July 1996 - December 1996Parliamentary paper number 135/1997
Estimates Report, March 1997Parliamentary paper number 137/1997
AIDC Sale Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 139/1997
Estimates Report, June 1997Parliamentary paper number 136/1997
Annual Reports tabled January 1997 - June 1997Parliamentary paper number 470/1997
Public Service Bill 1997 and Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Bill 1997 (additional information presented out of session on 28 July 2006 and tabled on 8 August 2006)Parliamentary paper number 461/1997
Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Bill 1997and Snowy Hydro Corporatisation (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 461/1997
Format of the Portfolio Budget StatementsParliamentary paper number 196/1997
Estimates Report, November 1997Parliamentary paper number 465/1997
Annual Reports tabled 1 July 1997 - 31 October 1997Parliamentary paper number 147/1998
Estimates Report, June 1998Parliamentary paper number 144/1998
Electoral and Referendum Amendment Bill (No.2) 1998 (additional information presented out of session on 28 July 2006 and tabled on 8 August 2006))Parliamentary paper number 146/1998
Annual Reports tabled November 1997-June 1998Parliamentary paper number 401/1998
References of the 38th Parliament (readoption of the Inquiries into: Statutory Authorities; Non-Statutory Bodies; Companies and Associations; Portfolio Budget Statements)
Estimates Report, March 1999Parliamentary paper number 94/1999
1997- 98 Annual Reports: Report OneParliamentary paper number 58/1999
Estimates Report, June 1999Parliamentary paper number 154/1999
Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill (No.2) 1999Parliamentary paper number 448/1999
Report on 1997-98 Annual Reports: Report TwoParliamentary paper number 185/1999
Format of the Portfolio Budget Statements: Second Report (presented to the Temporary Chairman of Committees on 29 October 1999)Parliamentary paper number 361/1999
Estimates Report, March 2000Parliamentary paper number 83/2000
Video [duration 2:28]—Finance and Public Administration Committee hearing, 8 February 2000, examining administrative errors.
1998-99 Annual ReportsParliamentary paper number 157/2000
Estimates Report, June 2000Parliamentary paper number 153/2000
Video [duration 3:47]—Statement by Senator Robert Ray in the Senate chamber, 5 June 2000, on corrections to statements made by the Australian Electoral Commissioner at a hearing of the Finance and Public Administration Legoslation Committee on 24 May 2000.
Video [duration 2:49]—Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee hearing, 24 May 2000, questioning the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on the Bringing Them Home report.
Video [duration 3:54]—Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee hearing, 24 May 2000, on the need for good public service recordkeeping.
Video [duration 2:07]—Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee hearing, 24 May 2000, examining pro-GST government advertising
The Format of the Portfolio Budget Statements (Third Report)Parliamentary paper number 403/2000
1999-2000 Annual Reports: Report OneParliamentary paper number 43/2001
Estimates Report, March 2001Parliamentary paper number 64/2001
Estimates Report, June 2001Parliamentary paper number 132/2001
Scrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 2001Parliamentary paper number 172/2001
Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 237/2001
Estimates Report, March 2002Parliamentary paper number 243/2002
Scrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2002Parliamentary paper number 242/2002
References of the 39th Parliament (readoption of the inquiries into: Charter of Honesty Bill 2000 and related Bills; Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2001; PortfolioBudget Statements)
Estimates Report, June 2002Parliamentary paper number 328/2002
Charter of Political Honesty Bill 2000 [2002], Electoral Amendment (Political Honesty Bill) 2000 [2002], Government Advertising (Objectivity, Fairness and Accountability) Bill 2000 [and] Auditor of Parliamentary Allowances & Entitlements Bill 2000 [2002]Parliamentary paper number 364/2002
Annual Reports (No. 2 of 2002)Parliamentary paper number 573/2002
Provisions of the Members of Parliament (Life Gold Pass) Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 607/2002
Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2001 [2002]Parliamentary paper number 382/2002
Additional estimates 2002-03Parliamentary paper number 55/2003
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2003)Parliamentary paper number 56/2003
Budget estimates 2003-04Parliamentary paper number 151/2003
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2003)Parliamentary paper number 267/2003
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2004)Parliamentary paper number 84/2004
Additional estimates 2003-04Parliamentary paper number 63/2004
Provisions of the Parliamentary Superannuation Bill 2004 and the Parliamentary Superannuation and Other Entitlements Legislation Amendment Bill 2004Parliamentary paper number 141/2004
Budget estimates 2004-05Parliamentary paper number 140/2004
Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment (Employee Involvement and Compliance) Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 141/2004
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2004) (presented out of session on 1 September 2004) Interim govt response: see Report on Annual reports (No. 1 of 2005). Also see Intelligence Services Amendment Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 239/2004
Additional estimates 2004-05Parliamentary paper number 64/2005
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2005)Parliamentary paper number 60/2005
Budget estimates 2005-06Parliamentary paper number 171/2005
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2005)Parliamentary paper number 202/2005
Provisions of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2005 (corrigendum tabled on 9 May 2006)Parliamentary paper number 146/2006
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2006)Parliamentary paper number 84/2006
Additional estimates 2005-06Parliamentary paper number 61/2006
Budget estimates 2006-07Parliamentary paper number 144/2006
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2006)Parliamentary paper number 175/2006