The Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration inquired into and reported on matters referred to it by the Senate, and monitored the administration of various government portfolios including finance, prime minister and cabinet, Treasury and the parliament.
Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration, December 1987. L-R: John Needham [Research Officer], Senators Richard Alston and Paul Calvert, John Nethercote [Secretary], Senators John Coates [Chair], Peter Durack, Bryant Burns and John Black.
Date tabled
Read report
Proposed Amendments to Audit Act 1901Parliamentary paper number 211/1987
Non-Statutory Bodies (Further Report)Parliamentary paper number 110/1988
Review of the Efficiency Scrutiny ProgramParliamentary paper number 119/1989
The Timeliness and Quality of Annual ReportsParliamentary paper number 468/1989
The Administration of the Tax File Numbers SystemParliamentary paper number 469/1989
The Proposed Sale of the Australian Dairy Corporation Shareholding in PT Australian Indonesian Milk Inc. (PT Indomilk)Parliamentary paper number 470/1989
Government Companies and their Reporting RequirementsParliamentary paper number 398/1989
Aboriginal Development Commission Annual Report 1987-88Parliamentary paper number 471/1989
The Development of the Senior Executive Service: Performance Based PayParliamentary paper number 3/1990
Departmental Annual Reports for 1988-89Parliamentary paper number 4/1990
Report on Annual Reports: Reports tabled July-December 1989Parliamentary paper number 88/1990
List of Commonwealth BodiesParliamentary paper number 90/1990
The Development of the Senior Executive ServiceParliamentary paper number 206/1990
Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Bill 1990Parliamentary paper number 439/1990
Taxation Laws Amendment (Foreign Income) Bill 1990; Taxation (Interest on Non-resident Trust Distributions) Bill 1990; Taxation Laws Amendment (International Agreements) Bill 1990Parliamentary paper number 439/1990
Estimates Committee Documentation and Procedures (Department of the Senate response tabled 3 September 1991)Parliamentary paper number 458/1991
Military Superannuation and Benefits Bill 1991; Defence Force Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 1991Parliamentary paper number 471/1991
Petroleum Resource Rent Legislation Amendment Bill 1991; Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Bill 1991 (Clause 15); and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Royalty) Amendment Bill 1991 (Clause 4)Parliamentary paper number 471/1991
Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Bill 1991 (Clause 7)Parliamentary paper number 471/1991
Report on Annual Reports tabled July 1990 - June 1991Parliamentary paper number 476/1991
List of Commonwealth BodiesParliamentary paper number 460/1991
General Insurance Supervisory Levy Amendment Bill 1991, Insurance Laws Amendment Bill 1991; Life Insurance Policy Holders' Protection Levies Bill 1991 (and 3 related Life Insurance Bills)Parliamentary paper number 487/1991
Fringe Benefits Amendment Bill 1991; Income Tax (Deferred Interests Securities) (Tax File Number Withholding Tax) Bill 1991; Income Tax International Agreements) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991; and Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1991Parliamentary paper number 487/1991
Review of the Office of the Commonwealth OmbudsmanParliamentary paper number 519/1992
Sales Tax Laws Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1992 (Clauses 4-6)Parliamentary paper number 520/1992
Report on Annual Reports tabled July to December 1991Parliamentary paper number 543/1992
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1991Parliamentary paper number 520/1992
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1992 and Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (Self Assessment) Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 520/1992
Swimming Pools Tax Refund Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 544/1992
Report on Annual Reports Tabled January to June 1992Parliamentary paper number 545/1992
Income Tax Assessment Amendment (Foreign Investment) Bill 1992; Income Tax (Dividends and Interest Withholding Tax) Amendment Bill 1992; Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 5) 1992; Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 6) 1992 and 1 related BillParliamentary paper number 544/1992
Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 and Taxation Laws Amendment (Fringe Benefits Tax Measures) Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 544/1992
Management and Operations of the Department of Foreign Affairs and TradeParliamentary paper number 525/1992
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 1993 and Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1993Parliamentary paper number 117/1993
Insolvency (Tax Priorities) Legislation Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 117/1993
Report on Bodies Not Presenting Annual Reports to the SenateParliamentary paper number 81/1993
List of Commonwealth BodiesParliamentary paper number 86/1993
Report on Annual Reports tabled July 1992 to December 1992Parliamentary paper number 454/1993
The Adequacy of Existing Mechanisms to Maintain the Rights of Clients and Shareholders of Non-Bank Financial Institutions with Particular Reference to Metway Bank and the Queensland Government's Failure to Return Certain ContributionsParliamentary paper number 157/1993
Report on Annual Reports tabled January 1993 to June 1993Parliamentary paper number 454/1993
Customs Tariff (Deficit Reduction) Bill 1993 and Excise Tariff (Deficit Reduction) Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993
Provisions of the Taxation (Deficit Reduction) Bill (No. 1) 1993 Concerning the Taxation Treatment of Credit UnionsParliamentary paper number 453/1993
Performance PayParliamentary paper number 432/1993
Report on Annual Reports Tabled July 1993 to December 1993Parliamentary paper number 184/1994
Report on Annual Reports tabled January 1994 - June 1994Parliamentary paper number 184/1994
Public Service Reform, August 1994. Volume 1: Conference Papers, Volume 2: Conference Proceedings (see also PP 150/94)Parliamentary paper number 149/1994
Order of the Senate for the Production of Indexed Lists of Departmental FilesParliamentary paper number 174/1994
Provisions of Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1994 and Taxation Laws Amendment (Infrastructure Borrowings) Bill 1994Parliamentary paper number 474/1994