Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education Legislation Committee
The Legislation Committee inquired into and reported on bills, estimates, annual reports and the performance of government departments and agencies in portfolios including education, training, youth affairs, employment, workplace relations and small business.
Examination of Annual Reports: No.2 of 1998Parliamentary paper number 401/1998
Consideration of the Provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Unfair Dismissals) Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 100/1999
Estimates Report, March 1999Parliamentary paper number 94/1999
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 1999Parliamentary paper number 58/1999
Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 100/1999
Estimates Report, June 1999Parliamentary paper number 154/1999
Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Repeal Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 448/1999
Navigation Amendment (Employment of Seafarers) Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 448/1999
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 1999Parliamentary paper number 185/1999
Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 372/1999
Estimates Report, March 2000Parliamentary paper number 83/2000
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 2000Parliamentary paper number 157/2000
Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 151/2000
Estimates Report, June 2000Parliamentary paper number 153/2000
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 2000Parliamentary paper number 444/2000
Workplace Relations Amendment (Australian Workplace Agreements Procedures) Bill 2000 and four related billsParliamentary paper number 446/2000
States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 446/2000
Vocational Education and Training Funding Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 446/2000
Education Services for Overseas Students Bill 2000 and four related billsParliamentary paper number 446/2000
Australian Research Council Bill 2000 and Australian Research Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 446/2000
Examination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2001 (1999 - 2000 Annual Reports tabled in the Senate to 31 October 2000)Parliamentary paper number 43/2001
Estimates Report, March 2001Parliamentary paper number 64/2001
Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment Bill 2000 [and] Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 133/2001
Workplace Relations Amendment Bill (Transmission of Business) Bill 2001 [and] Workplace Relations (Registered Organisations) Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 133/2001
Estimates Report, June 2001Parliamentary paper number 132/2001
Innovation and Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 133/2001
Scrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 2001Parliamentary paper number 172/2001
Workplace Relations Amendment (Prohibition of Compulsory Union Fees) Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 237/2001