The Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training inquired into and reported on matters referred to it by the Senate, and monitored the administration of various government portfolios including employment, education, training and industrial relations.
Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, 1987. Standing L-R: Derek Allan [Secretary], Senators Paul McLean, John Watson and Arthur Devlin, and Bev Orr [Research Officer]. Seated L-R: Senators Michael Beahan, Kay Patterson, Terry Aulich [Chair], Baden Teague [Deputy Chair] and John Devereaux.
Date tabled
Read report
Education for Active Citizenship - A Discussion Paper
Education for Active Citizenship in Australian Schools and Youth OrganisationsParliamentary paper number 121/1989
Report on Annual ReportsParliamentary paper number 88/1990
Priorities for Reform in Higher EducationParliamentary paper number 125/1990
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1990Parliamentary paper number 443/1990
Active Citizenship Revisited (President of the Senate's response tabled 3 September 1991)Parliamentary paper number 54/1991
Education Services (Export Regulation) Bill 1990 (2 volumes)Parliamentary paper number 471/1991
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1991Parliamentary paper number 475/1991
Come in Cinderella: The Emergence of Adult and Community EducationParliamentary paper number 473/1991
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1991Parliamentary paper number 475/1991
The John Curtin School of Medical ResearchParliamentary paper number 195/1992
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 520/1992
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1992Parliamentary paper number 543/1992
Operation of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 (ESOS Act)Parliamentary paper number 529/1992
Australian National Training Authority Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 544/1992
Examination of Annual Report - No. 2 of 1992Parliamentary paper number 545/1992
Wanted: Our Future - Implications of Sustained High Levels of Unemployment Among Young People (15-24 years old)Parliamentary paper number 524/1992
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1993Parliamentary paper number 116/1993
The Efficacy of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 in the Light of the Collapse of the Australian Business College in Perth in January 1993Parliamentary paper number 156/1993
Operation of Sections 45D and 45E of the Trade Practices Act 1974Parliamentary paper number 170/1993
Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993
States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993
Inquiry Concerning Aspects of the Industrial Relations Reform Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 272/1993
Overseas Students Tuition Assurance Levy Bill 1993 and Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993
Training Guarantee (Administration) Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 183/1994
Examination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1994Parliamentary paper number 184/1994
Organisation and Funding of Research in Higher EducationParliamentary paper number 47/1994
The Nature, Implications and Effects of the Statutory Rules 1994 Nos.146 and 154 - Being Regulations Pertaining to the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991Parliamentary paper number 173/1994