The Community Affairs References Committee inquires into and reports upon matters referred to it by the Senate. Portfolios allocated to the committee since 2009 include health, ageing, families, housing, Indigenous affairs, human services and social services.
The Community Affairs References Committee, 25 November 2009. Standing L-R: Christine McDonald [Principal Research Offficer], Owen Griffiths [Senior Research Officer], Senators Claire Moore [Deputy Chair] and Sue Boyce. Seated L-R: Senator Jan McLucas, Elton Humpherey [Secretary], Senators Rachel Siewert [Chair] and Judith Adams. DPS Auspic.
Find out more
Claire Moore, committee member 2009-13, Interview with Anne Monsour on the role of the Community Affairs Committee, 2012, National Library of Australia, TRC 6200/151, session 2, 00:00:24-00:00:56.
Committee timeline – Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices
Date tabled
Read report
Lost Innocents and Forgotten Australians RevisitedParliamentary paper number 145/2009
Hear Us: Inquiry into Hearing Health in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 82/2010
Community Affairs References Committee hearing in the Jubilee Room, Parliament House, Sydney, 13 October 2009.
Community Affairs References Committee hearing, Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, 11 November 2009. Witnesses Donovan Mulligan and Kate Nelson from Deaf Australia appear before (L-R) Senators Claire Moore, [unknown], Rachel Siewert, Sue Boyce and Judith Adams.
Community Affairs References Committee hearing, Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, 11 November 2009. Witness Kate Locke appears before (L-R) Senators John Williams, Claire Moore, [unknown], Rachel Siewert, Sue Boyce and Judith Adams.
Video [duration 0:37]—Senator Claire Moore, Senate chamber, 13 May 2010.
The Hidden Toll: Suicide in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 158/2010
Audio [duration 4:02]—'Senate report calls for more action on suicide', ABC Radio PM program, 25 June 2010.
Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability (presented out of session on 2 September 2010)
Impact of gene patents on the provision of healthcare in Australia (presented out of session on 26 August 2010)
Audio [duration 3:12]—'Senate inquiry into gene patents', ABC Radio PM program, 4 August 2009.
The prevalence of interactive and online gambling in Australia (presented out of session on 2 September 2010)
New therapeutic groups under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (presented out of session on 26 August 2010)
References of the 42nd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Gene Patents; Consumer Access to Pharmaceutical Benefits; Planning Options and Services for People Ageing with a Disability)
Consumer Access to Pharmaceutical BenefitsParliamentary paper number 306/2010
Gene Patents (presented out of session on 26 November 2010)Parliamentary paper number 2/2011
Interim report: Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability (presented out of session on 14 April 2011)
Interim report: The social and economic impacts of rural wind farms (presented out of session on 14 April 2011)
Second interim report: Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability (presented out of session on 30 May 2011)
Second interim report: The social and economic impacts of rural wind farms (presented out of session on 30 May 2011)
The social and economic impact of rural wind farmsParliamentary paper number 163/2011
Community Affairs References Committee at Waubra wind farm, Vic, 28 March 2011.
Community Affairs References Committee at Waubra wind farm, Vic, 28 March 2011.
Audio [duration 3:46]—'Senate calls for more research into health impacts of wind farms', ABC Radio PM program, 23 June 2011.
Disability and Ageing: lifelong planning for a better futureParliamentary paper number 168/2011
The effectiveness of special arrangements for the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines to remote area Aboriginal Health ServicesParliamentary paper number 269/2011
Second interim report: Funding and administration of mental health services (presented out of session on 28 October 2011)
Interim report: Funding and administration of mental health services (presented out of session on 20 October 2011)
Review of the Professional Services Review (PSR) Scheme (presented out of session on 25 October 2011)Parliamentary paper number 273/2011
Commonwealth funding and administration of mental health servicesParliamentary paper number 276/2011
The regulatory standards for the approval of medical devices in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 403/2011
Former forced adoption policies and practicesParliamentary paper number 53/2012
Audio [duration 6:35]—'Senate inquiry hears harrowing evidence on forced adoptions', ABC Radio AM program, 29 September 2011.
Audio [duration 4:21]—'Mother and daughter respond to Senate report on forced adoptions', ABC Radio AM program, 1 March 2012.
Video [duration 5:00]—Senators Rachel Siewert, Claire Moore, Sue Boyce and Carol Brown speaking at the tabling of the committee report, 29 February 2012.
The role of the Therapeutic Goods Administration regarding medical devices, particularly Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) breast implants (presented out of session on 31 May 2012)Parliamentary paper number 140/2012
The factors affecting the supply of health services and medical professionals in rural areasParliamentary paper number 210/2012
Palliative care in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 259/2012
Australia's domestic response to the World Health Organization's (WHO) Commission on Social Determinants of Health report "Closing the gap within a generation"Parliamentary paper number 71/2013
Interim report: Supply of chemotherapy drugs such as Docetaxel (presented out of session on 19 April 2013)
Supply of chemotherapy drugs such as Docetaxel (presented out of session on 10 May 2013)Parliamentary paper number 108/2013
Interim report: Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD) (presented out of session on 12 August 2013)
Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with disabilities in Australia (presented out of session on 17 July 2013)Parliamentary paper number 265/2013
Impacts on health of air quality in Australia (presented out of session on 16 August 2013)Parliamentary paper number 270/2013
Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia (presented out of session on 25 October 2013)Parliamentary paper number 264/2013
Interim report: Impacts on health of air quality in Australia (presented out of session on 12 August 2013)
'Audio [duration 6:12]—'Senate coal dust inquiry starts', ABC Radio RN Breakfast, 16 April 2013.
References of the 43rd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
Second interim report: Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD) (presented out of session on 28 February 2014)
Third interim report: Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD)Parliamentary paper number 53/2014
Interim report: Prevalence of different types of speech, language and communication disorders and speech pathology services in Australia
Interim report: Out-of-pocket costs in Australian healthcare (presented out of session on 8 August 2014)
Out-of-pocket costs in Australian healthcare (presented out of session on 22 August 2014) (Corrigendum tabled 27 August 2014; Further corrigendum tabled 1 September 2014)Parliamentary paper number 163/2014
Prevalence of different types of speech, language and communication disorders and speech pathology services in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 168/2014
Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildrenParliamentary paper number 326/2014
Bridging our growing divide: inequality in Australia; The extent of income inequality in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 427/2014
Interim report: Impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social ServicesParliamentary paper number 101/2015
Adequacy of existing residential care arrangements available for young people with severe physical, mental or intellectual disabilities in Australia (corrigendum tabled 18 August 2015)Parliamentary paper number 190/2015
Community Affairs References Committee visit to Rowallan Park Intentional Community (Uniting Church), Kingston, TAS, 12 March 2015.
Interim report: Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia (presented out of session on 4 August 2015)
'Audio [duration 4:03]—'Senate committee recommends fast-tracking new cancer drugs for PBS', ABC Radio The World Today program, 18 September 2015.
Out of home careParliamentary paper number 226/2015
Final report: Impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social ServicesParliamentary paper number 243/2015
Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 248/2015
Violence,abuse & neglect against people with disability in institutional & residential settings,including gender & age related dimensions,the particular situation of ATSI people with disability,& culturally & linguistically diverse people with disabilityParliamentary paper number 471/2015
Audio [duration 7:52]—'Senate inquiry calls for Royal Commission into the abuse of people with disabilities', ABC Radio RN Breakfast, 26 November 2015.
Interim report: Growing evidence of an emerging tick-borne disease that causes a Lyme-like illness for many Australian patientsParliamentary paper number 181/2016
Indefinite detention of people with cognitive and psychiatric impairment in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 450/2016
Final report: Growing evidence of an emerging tick-borne disease that causes a Lyme-like illness for many Australian patientsParliamentary paper number 443/2016
Medical complaints process in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 444/2016
Complaints mechanism administered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National LawParliamentary paper number 142/2017
Price regulation associated with the Prostheses List FrameworkParliamentary paper number 144/2017
Future of Australia’s aged care sector workforceParliamentary paper number 200/2017
Community Affairs References Committee visit to Halls Creek Community Care, WA, 8 June 2017. L-R: Penaisia (Patsy) Burton, Peter Jenkins, Kaye T Rangitutia, Senator Linda Reynolds, Leanne Reynold, Eileen Lightning, Senators Pat Dodson and Rachel Siewert
Community Affairs References Committee visit to Juniper Guwardi Ngadu Residential Care, Fitzroy Crossing, WA, 8 June 2017. L-R: Senator Rachel Siewert, Linda Reynolds and Pat Dodson.
Community Affairs References Committee visit to Yarliyil Art Centre, Halls Creek, WA, 8 June 2017. L-R: Centre Manager and Senators Pat Dodson and Rachel Siewert and Committee Secretary Jeanette Radcliffe.
Community Affairs References Committee visit to Yarliyil Art Centre, Halls Creek, WA, 8 June 2017. L-R: Senators Pat Dodson and Rachel Siewert ans Peter Jenkins.
Design, scope, cost-benefit analysis, contracts awarded and implementation associated with the Better Management of the Social Welfare System initiativeParliamentary paper number 213/2017
Audio [duration 8:44]—'Senate inquiry discovers numerous problems with Centrelink robo-debt scheme', ABC Radio RN Breakfast, 22 June 2017.
Future of rugby union in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 492/2017
Delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to build inclusive and accessible communitiesParliamentary paper number 560/2017
Value and affordability of private health insurance and out-of-pocket medical costs (presented out of session on 19 December 2017)Parliamentary paper number 592/2018
Second interim report: Value and affordability of private health insurance and out-of-pocket medical costs (presented out of session on 18 December 2017)
Interim report: Effectiveness of the Aged Care Quality Assessment and accreditation framework for protecting residents from abuse and poor practices, and ensuring proper clinical and medical care standards are maintained and practisedParliamentary paper number 24/2018
Progress report: Availability and accessibility of diagnostic imaging equipment around Australia (presented out of session on 7 March 2018)
Availability and accessibility of diagnostic imaging equipment around Australia (presented out of session on 9 March 2018)Parliamentary paper number 47/2018
Number of women in Australia who have had transvaginal mesh implants and related mattersParliamentary paper number 89/2018
Science of mitochondrial donation and related mattersParliamentary paper number 221/2018
Progress report: My Health Record system (presented out of session on 12 October 2018)
My Health Record systemParliamentary paper number 385/2018
Accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote AustraliaParliamentary paper number 584/2018
Interim report: Support for Australia’s thalidomide survivorsParliamentary paper number 60/2019
ParentsNext, including its trial and subsequent broader rollout (presented out of session on 29 March 2019)Parliamentary paper number 118/2019
Final report: Support for Australia’s thalidomide survivors (presented out of session on 22 March 2019)Parliamentary paper number 119/2019
Final report: Effectiveness of the Aged Care Quality Assessment and accreditation framework for protecting residents from abuse and poor practices, and ensuring proper clinical and medical standards are maintained and practisedParliamentary paper number 159/2019
Interim report: Centrelink’s compliance programParliamentary paper number 40/2020
Current barriers to patient access to medicinal cannabis in Australia (presented out of session on 25 March 2020)Parliamentary paper number 81/2020
Adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia (presented out of session on 30 April 2020)Parliamentary paper number 104/2020
Second interim report: Centrelink’s compliance programParliamentary paper number 201/2020
Third interim report: Centrelink’s compliance programParliamentary paper number 204/2020
Fourth interim report: Centrelink's compliance programParliamentary paper number 232/2021
Effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisorderParliamentary paper number 79/2021
Investigations into a possible cancer cluster on the Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria (presented out of session on 30 June 2021)Parliamentary paper number 198/2021
Fifth interim report: Centrelink's compliance program
Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension (presented out of session on 18 February 2022)Parliamentary paper number 45/2022
Interim report: Provision of general practitioner and related primary health services to outer metropolitan, rural, and regional Australians (presented out of session on 1 April 2022)
Administration of registration and notifications by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and related entities under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (presented out of session on 1 April 2022)Parliamentary paper number 97/2022
Final report: Accountability and justice: Why we need a Royal Commission into Robodebt (presented out of session on 13 May 2022)
Final report: Provision of general practitioner and related primary health services to outer metropolitan, rural, and regional Australians (presented out of session on 20 June 2022)
Interim report: Extent and nature of poverty in Australia (presented out of session on 4 May 2023)
Ending the postcode lottery: Addressing barriers to sexual, maternity and reproductive healthcare in Australia (presented out of session on 25 May 2023)
Concussions and repeated head trauma in contact sports
Interim report: Worsening rental crisis in Australia (presented out of session on 21 September 2023)
Assessment and support services for people with ADHD
Worsening rental crisis in Australia
Review of legislative instruments made under Part 3AA or Part 3B of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 – Review 1
Extent and nature of poverty in Australia (additional information tabled 28 February 2024)
Equitable access to diagnosis and treatment for individuals with rare and less common cancers, including neuroendocrine cancer (presented out of session on 17 May 2024)
Excess mortality (presented out of session on 30 August 2024)