The Standing Committee on Community Affairs inquired into and reported on policy matters, bills, estimates, annual reports and the performance of government departments and agencies in portfolios including health and ageing, family and community services and Indigenous affairs.
Standing Committee on Community Affairs, 14 May 2009. Standing L-R: Senators Sue Boyce, Mark Furner, Gary Humphries and Catryna Bilyk. Seated L-R: Senators Judith Adams, Claire Moore [Chair], Rachel Siewert [Deputy Chair] and Carol Brown. DPS Auspic.
Members and staff of the Standing Committee on Community Affairs, 14 May 2009. Standing L-R: Ivan Powell [Research Officer], Senators Sue Boyce, Mark Furner, Gary Humphries and Catryna Bilyk, Elton Humphery [Secretary] and Owen Griffiths [Research Officer]. Seated L-R: Senators Judith Adams, Claire Moore [Chair], Rachel Siewert [Deputy Chair] and Carol Brown. DPS Auspic.
Find out more
Gary Humphries, committee member 2006-09, Interview with Ann-Marie Jordens on the role of the Community Affairs Committee, 2012, National Library of Australia, TRC 6200/174, session 1, 00:20:05-00:20:39.
Committee timeline – Breaking the silence: a national voice for gynaecological cancers
Date tabled
Read report
Aged Care Amendment (Residential Care) Bill 2006Parliamentary paper number 437/2006
Child Support Legislation Amendment (Reform of the Child Support Scheme - New Formula and Other Measures) Bill 2006 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 437/2006
Breaking the silence: A national voice for gynaecological cancers (additional information tabled on 26 February 2007) (see Response to the petition on gynaecological health issues tabled on 30 March 2006 - PP 60/06)Parliamentary paper number 237/2006
Interim report - Legislative responses to recommendations of the Lockhart Review (presented out of session on 27 October 2006) (see report tabled on 6 November 2006 - PP 295/06)
Legislative responses to recommendations of the Lockhart Review (presented out of session on 30 October 2006) (additional information and corrigendum tabled on 6 November 2006) (additional information tabled on 27 November 2006)Parliamentary paper number 295/2006
Audio [duration 4:25]—'Senate committee hands down stem cell report', ABC Radio PM program, 30 October 2006.
Funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability AgreementParliamentary paper number 33/2007
Audio [duration 4:10]—'Senate inquiry criticises disability funding', ABC Radio PM program, 8 February 2007.
Private Health Insurance Bill 2006 [Provisions] and 6 related bills [provisions]Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
Aged Care Amendment (Security and Protection) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 9 March 2007)Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
Additional estimates 2006-07Parliamentary paper number 64/2007
Annual reports 2007Parliamentary paper number 63/2007
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Bill 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2007 (presented out of session on 1 May 2007)Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Amendment Bill 2007 (presented out of session on 1 May 2007)Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
Aged Care Amendment (Residential Care) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 17 May 2007)Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Bill 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 105/2007
Budget estimates (2007-08)Parliamentary paper number 129/2007
Health Insurance Amendment (Medicare Dental Services) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 5 September 2007) (additional information tabled on 12 September 2007)Parliamentary paper number 207/2007
Highway to health: better access for rural, regional and remote patientsParliamentary paper number 175/2007
References of the 41st Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiries into: Cost of living pressures on older Australians; Mental Health Services in Australia)
Additional estimates 2007-08Parliamentary paper number 230/2008
A decent quality of life – Inquiry into the cost of living pressures on older Australians (the inquiry was re-adopted on 14 February 2008 in 42nd Parliament) (additional information tabled on 25 June 2008)Parliamentary paper number 144/2008
Annual reports (No. 1 of 2008)Parliamentary paper number 231/2008
Interim report - Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Emergency Response Consolidation) Bill 2008 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 7 May 2008) (see report tabled on 15 May 2008 - PP 310/08)
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Emergency Response Consolidation) Bill 2008 [Provisions] (additional information tabled on 25 June 2008)Parliamentary paper number 310/2008
Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2007 [2008] (additional information tabled on 25 June 2008 and 26 August 2008)Parliamentary paper number 310/2008
Interim report: Mental health services in Australia (see report tabled on 25 September 2008 - PP 343/08)
Budget estimates 2008-09Parliamentary paper number 309/2008
Ready-to-drink alcohol beveragesParliamentary paper number 281/2008
A matter relating to the PET review of 2000Parliamentary paper number 290/2008
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical and Other Benefits––Cost Recovery) Bill 2008 (presented out of session on 22 August 2008) (additional information tabled on 26 August 2008)Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Annual reports (No. 2 of 2008)Parliamentary paper number 556/2008
Towards recovery: Mental health services in Australia (see interim report tabled on 19 June 2008)Parliamentary paper number 343/2008
Video [duration 1:26]—Claire Moore, Speech at the presentation of the report, 25 September 2008
Draft National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits - Charges) Regulations 2008 (presented out of session on 2 October 2008) (additional information tabled on 14 October 2008)Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Building trust: Supporting families through disability trustsParliamentary paper number 390/2008
Poker Machine Harm Reduction Tax (Administration) Bill 2008; Poker Machine Harm Minimisation Bill 2008; ATMs and Cash Facilities in Licensed Venues Bill 2008 (additional information tabled on 25 November 2008)Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further 2008 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2008 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Social Security and Veterans' Entitlements Legislation Amendment (Schooling Requirements) Bill 2008 [Provisions] (additional information tabled on 25 November 2008)Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
National Rental Affordability Scheme Bill 2008 [Provisions]; National Rental Affordability Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 12 November 2008)Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Aged Care Amendment (2008 Measures No. 2) Bill 2008 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 20 November 2008)Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting Amendment) Bill 2008Parliamentary paper number 557/2008
Government expenditure on Indigenous affairs and social services in the Northern TerritoryParliamentary paper number 553/2008
Audio [duration 4:07]—'Senate clears NT Government', ABC Radio PM program, 4 December 2008.
Annual Reports (No. 1 of 2009)Parliamentary paper number 46/2009
Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009 [Provisions]; Customs Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009 [Provisions] and the impact of the tax on ready-to-drink alcoholic beveragesParliamentary paper number 149/2009
Additional Estimates 2008-09Parliamentary paper number 147/2009
Grasping the opportunity of Opal: Assessing the impact of the Petrol Sniffing StrategyParliamentary paper number 61/2009
Senator Rachel Siewert (left) at a lunch osted by the Alpurrurlam (Lake Nash) Community, 28 October 2008.
Senators Trish Crossin and Mark Furner with young people at Alpurrurlam (Lake Nash), 28 October 2008.
Senators Sue Boyce and Mark Furner with young people at Alpurrurlam (Lake Nash), 28 October 2008.
L-R: Alice Crowley [Senior Research Officer], Lisa Fenn [Principal Research Officer], Bett Badger [Assistant Manager, Mt Theo Program], Senators Judith Adams, Gary Humphries,Trish Crossin, Sue Boyce, Rachel Siewert, Mark Furner and others, Yeundumu, October 2008.
Senators Mark Furner, Judith Adams, Rachel Siewert, Sue Boyce and Gary Humphries at Yuendumu, 26 October 2008.
Senators Gary Humphries, Judith Adams and Sue Boyce at the opening of Yuendumu swimming pool, 27 October 2008.
Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment (2008 Budget and other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions] (presented out of session 7 May 2009)Parliamentary paper number 149/2009
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Improved Support for Carers) Bill 2009 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 7 May 2009)Parliamentary paper number 149/2009