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Navigate Senate Committees


Name Start date End date
Education, Science and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose Standing11 Jun 197011 Nov 1975
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose Standing 2 Mar 1976 5 Jun 1987
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose Standing22 Sep 1987 9 Oct 1994
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislation10 Oct 199410 Nov 1998
Employment, Education and TrainingReferences10 Oct 199410 Nov 1998
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislation11 Nov 199812 Feb 2002
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferences11 Nov 199812 Feb 2002
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislation13 Feb 200210 Sep 2006
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferences13 Feb 200210 Sep 2006
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose Standing11 Sep 200611 Feb 2008
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose Standing13 Feb 200813 May 2009
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislation14 May 200911 Nov 2013
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferences14 May 200911 Nov 2013
Education and EmploymentLegislation13 Nov 2013
Education and EmploymentReferences13 Nov 2013


CommitteeDate tabledTitleRead report
Education, Science and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe Commonwealth's Role in Teacher EducationParliamentary paper number 1/1972Document icon
Education, Science and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAll Aspects of Television and Broadcasting, including Australian Content of Television Programmes (Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 254/1972Document icon
Education, Science and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAll Aspects of Television and Broadcasting, including Australian Content of Television Programmes (Second Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 108/1973Document icon
Education, Science and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAll Aspects of Television and Broadcasting, including Australian Content of Television Programmes (Third Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 32/1975Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingEducation of Isolated School ChildrenParliamentary paper number 296/1976Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingOutstanding ReferencesParliamentary paper number 190/1976Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingEmployment of Musicians by the Australian Broadcasting Commission (Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 354/1976Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingEmployment of Musicians by the Australian Broadcasting CommissionParliamentary paper number 81/1977Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe Impact of Television on the Development and Learning Behaviour of ChildrenParliamentary paper number 333/1978Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingArchives Bill 1978Parliamentary paper number 219/1979Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingBroadcasting and Television Amendment Bill 1980Parliamentary paper number 132/1980Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingEducation and the Workforce (Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 262/1980Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingReview of the Impact of Television on the Development and Learning Behaviour of Children 1978 (Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 263/1980Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingPreparation for the WorkforceParliamentary paper number 127/1981Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingChildren and Television Revisited - A Review of the Report on the Impact of Television on the Development and Learning Behaviour of ChildrenParliamentary paper number 128/1981Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingTenure of Employment of AcademicsParliamentary paper number 233/1982Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingStudent Assistance (Loans Guarantee and Subsidy) Bill 1982Parliamentary paper number 253/1982Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe Development and Implementation of a Co-ordinated Language Policy for Australia (Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 61/1984Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingA National Language Policy (Report by Prof. J. Lo Bianco: 'National Policy on Languages' tabled on 4 May 1987 constitutes the full and final government response)Parliamentary paper number 3/1985Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports (First Report)Parliamentary paper number 217/1985Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports (Second Report)Parliamentary paper number 500/1985Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - Children's Television Standards (Third Report) (for Government Response see Broadcasting and Television Legislation Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1985, House of Representatives Second Reading Speech)Parliamentary paper number 500/1985Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - Assessment in Secondary Colleges in the Australian Capital Territory (Fourth Report)Parliamentary paper number 500/1985Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - Another Look at Children's Television (Fifth Report)Parliamentary paper number 430/1986Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - The Australian National Gallery (Sixth Report)Parliamentary paper number 430/1986Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - The ABC's Radio Racing Service in Queensland (Seventh Report)Parliamentary paper number 430/1986Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAudio-Visual Copying by Educational InstitutionsParliamentary paper number 440/1986Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe Education of Gifted and Talented Children (Progress Report)Parliamentary paper number 207/1986Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingABC/SBS Amalgamation (Interim Report)Parliamentary paper number 66/1987Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - Supplementary Report to the Seventh Report - The ABC's Radio Racing Service in QueenslandParliamentary paper number 178/1987Document icon
Education and the ArtsLegislative and General Purpose StandingABC and SBS - Proposed AmalgamationParliamentary paper number 176/1987Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingEducation for Active Citizenship - A Discussion PaperDocument icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingEducation for Active Citizenship in Australian Schools and Youth OrganisationsParliamentary paper number 121/1989Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingReport on Annual ReportsParliamentary paper number 88/1990Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingPriorities for Reform in Higher EducationParliamentary paper number 125/1990Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1990Parliamentary paper number 443/1990Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingActive Citizenship Revisited (President of the Senate's response tabled 3 September 1991)Parliamentary paper number 54/1991Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingEducation Services (Export Regulation) Bill 1990 (2 volumes)Parliamentary paper number 471/1991Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1991Parliamentary paper number 475/1991Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingCome in Cinderella: The Emergence of Adult and Community EducationParliamentary paper number 473/1991Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1991Parliamentary paper number 475/1991Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe John Curtin School of Medical ResearchParliamentary paper number 195/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingIndustrial Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 520/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1992Parliamentary paper number 543/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingOperation of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 (ESOS Act)Parliamentary paper number 529/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingAustralian National Training Authority Bill 1992Parliamentary paper number 544/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Report - No. 2 of 1992Parliamentary paper number 545/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingWanted: Our Future - Implications of Sustained High Levels of Unemployment Among Young People (15-24 years old)Parliamentary paper number 524/1992Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1993Parliamentary paper number 116/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe Efficacy of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 in the Light of the Collapse of the Australian Business College in Perth in January 1993Parliamentary paper number 156/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingOperation of Sections 45D and 45E of the Trade Practices Act 1974Parliamentary paper number 170/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingStates Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingHigher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingInquiry Concerning Aspects of the Industrial Relations Reform Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 272/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingOverseas Students Tuition Assurance Levy Bill 1993 and Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 453/1993Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingTraining Guarantee (Administration) Amendment Bill 1993Parliamentary paper number 183/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1994Parliamentary paper number 184/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingOrganisation and Funding of Research in Higher EducationParliamentary paper number 47/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislative and General Purpose StandingThe Nature, Implications and Effects of the Statutory Rules 1994 Nos.146 and 154 - Being Regulations Pertaining to the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991Parliamentary paper number 173/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationStudent Assistance (Youth Training Allowance) Amendment Bill 1994Parliamentary paper number 474/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationExamination of Annual Reports - No. 2 of 1994Parliamentary paper number 470/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesDevelopment of Open Learning in Australia: Part 1Parliamentary paper number 318/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, December 1994Parliamentary paper number 471/1994Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesDevelopment of Open Learning in Australia: Part 2Parliamentary paper number 51/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEmployment, Education and Training Amendment Bill 1995Parliamentary paper number 486/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, June 1995Parliamentary paper number 491/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesAccountability in Commonwealth-State Funding Arrangements in EducationParliamentary paper number 100/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesAUSTUDYParliamentary paper number 140/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1995Parliamentary paper number 485/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesInquiry into Long Term UnemploymentParliamentary paper number 470/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, November 1995Parliamentary paper number 492/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesInquiry into the Sale of Bond UniversityParliamentary paper number 469/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesInquiry into the Australian National Training AuthorityParliamentary paper number 468/1995Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesEducation and Training in Correctional FacilitiesParliamentary paper number 8/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesReferences of the 37th Parliament (readoption of Inquiry into Early Childhood Education)Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1996Parliamentary paper number 425/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesChildhood Matters - Report on the Inquiry into Early Childhood EducationParliamentary paper number 110/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEmployment, Education and Training Amendment Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 429/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, October 1996Parliamentary paper number 431/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationHigher Education Funding Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996Parliamentary paper number 429/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationHigher Education Legislation Amendment Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 429/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationStates Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Bill 1996Parliamentary paper number 429/1996Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 1997Parliamentary paper number 135/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, March 1997Parliamentary paper number 137/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesBeyond Cinderella: Towards a Learning SocietyParliamentary paper number 80/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, June 1997Parliamentary paper number 136/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesNot a Level Playground: Private and Commercial Funding of Government SchoolsParliamentary paper number 119/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationVocational Education and Training Funding Amendment Bill 1997Parliamentary paper number 461/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 1997Parliamentary paper number 470/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, November 1997Parliamentary paper number 465/1997Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 1998Parliamentary paper number 147/1998Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesA Class Act: Inquiry into the Status of the Teaching ProfessionParliamentary paper number 51/1998Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationEstimates Report, June 1998Parliamentary paper number 144/1998Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingLegislationProvisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Bill 1998 (presented to the President of the Senate on 13 August 1998)Parliamentary paper number 385/1998Document icon
Employment, Education and TrainingReferencesInterim Report on the Inquiry into the Effectiveness of Education and Training Programs for Indigenous Australians (presented to the President of the Senate on 20 August 1998)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No.2 of 1998Parliamentary paper number 401/1998Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesReferences of the 38th Parliament (readoption of the Inquiries into: Regional Employment and Unemployment; The Effectiveness of Education and Training Programs for Indigenous Australians)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationConsideration of the Provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Unfair Dismissals) Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 100/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, March 1999Parliamentary paper number 94/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 1999Parliamentary paper number 58/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesGST and a New Tax SystemParliamentary paper number 73/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationHigher Education Legislation Amendment Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 100/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, June 1999Parliamentary paper number 154/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationTradesmen's Rights Regulation Repeal Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 448/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationNavigation Amendment (Employment of Seafarers) Bill 1998Parliamentary paper number 448/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 1999Parliamentary paper number 185/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesJobs for the Regions: Inquiry into Regional Employment and UnemploymentParliamentary paper number 205/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999Parliamentary paper number 372/1999Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, March 2000Parliamentary paper number 83/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationExamination of Annual Reports - No. 1 of 2000Parliamentary paper number 157/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesKatu Kalpa: The Effectiveness of Education and Training Programs for Indigenous AustraliansParliamentary paper number 46/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 151/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, June 2000Parliamentary paper number 153/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 2000Parliamentary paper number 444/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment (Australian Workplace Agreements Procedures) Bill 2000 and four related billsParliamentary paper number 446/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationStates Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 446/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationVocational Education and Training Funding Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 446/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesAspiring to Excellence: Quality of Vocational Education and Training in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 346/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEducation Services for Overseas Students Bill 2000 and four related billsParliamentary paper number 446/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationAustralian Research Council Bill 2000 and Australian Research Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 446/2000Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationExamination of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2001 (1999 - 2000 Annual Reports tabled in the Senate to 31 October 2000)Parliamentary paper number 43/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, March 2001Parliamentary paper number 64/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationOccupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment Bill 2000 [and] Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2000Parliamentary paper number 133/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment Bill (Transmission of Business) Bill 2001 [and] Workplace Relations (Registered Organisations) Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 133/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, June 2001Parliamentary paper number 132/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationInnovation and Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 133/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationScrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 2 of 2001Parliamentary paper number 172/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment (Prohibition of Compulsory Union Fees) Bill 2001Parliamentary paper number 237/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesUniversities in Crisis - Report into the Capacity of Public Universities to meet Australia's Higher Education Needs (Addendum tabled on 12 February 2002)Parliamentary paper number 217/2001Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and EducationReferencesThe education of gifted childrenParliamentary paper number 2/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationScrutiny of Annual Reports: No. 1 of 2002Parliamentary paper number 242/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, March 2002Parliamentary paper number 243/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationReport on the provisions of bills to amend the Workplace Relations Act 1996Parliamentary paper number 329/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationEstimates Report, June 2002Parliamentary paper number 328/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationHigher Education Funding Amendment Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 606/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationResearch Agencies Legislation Amendment Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 606/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual Reports (No. 2 of 2002)Parliamentary paper number 573/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment (Paid Maternity Leave) Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 606/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Improved Protection for Victorian Workers) Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 606/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesEducation of students with disabilities (corrigendum tabled 5 March 2003)Parliamentary paper number 602/2002Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesSmall business employmentParliamentary paper number 9/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAdditional estimates 2002-03Parliamentary paper number 55/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2003)Parliamentary paper number 56/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Bill 2002Parliamentary paper number 153/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationInterim report - Workplace Relations Amendment (Protecting the Low Paid) Bill 2003 (presented out of session on 2 May 2003)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationBudget estimates 2003-04Parliamentary paper number 151/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment (Protecting the Low Paid) Bill 2003Parliamentary paper number 153/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2003)Parliamentary paper number 267/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesOrder for production of documents on university financesParliamentary paper number 263/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment (Compliance with Court and Tribunal Orders) Bill 2003 and related billsParliamentary paper number 440/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesBridging the skills divide (presented out of session on 6 November 2003)Parliamentary paper number 395/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesHacking Australia’s Future: Threats to institutional autonomy, academic freedom and student choice in Australian higher education (presented out of session on 7 November 2003; corrigenda presented out of session on 12 November 2003)Parliamentary paper number 396/2003Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2004)Parliamentary paper number 84/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAdditional estimates 2003-04Parliamentary paper number 63/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Award Simplification) Bill 2002, Workplace Relations Amendment (Better Bargaining) Bill 2003, Workplace Relations Amendment (Choice in Award Coverage) Bill 2004 and a related billParliamentary paper number 141/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationBudget estimates 2004-05Parliamentary paper number 140/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesBeyond Cole: The future of the construction industry: Confrontation or co-operation?Parliamentary paper number 127/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesInterim report - Office of the Chief Scientist (presented out of session on 30 July 2004)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesOffice of the Chief ScientistParliamentary paper number 183/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesCommonwealth funding for schoolsParliamentary paper number 201/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2004) (presented out of session on 1 September 2004)Parliamentary paper number 239/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationInterim report - Proposed amendment in the form of Schedule 1B to the Workplace Relations Amendment (Codifying Contempt Offences) Bill 2004 (presented out of session on 27 October 2004) (inquiry deferred: see report tabled on 8 December 2004)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2004 (presented out of session on 31 August 2004) (and Australian Democrats' supplementary report presented out of session on 2 September 2004)Parliamentary paper number 228/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationInterim report - Provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Protecting Small Business Employment) Bill 2004 (presented out of session on 14 September 2004) (see report tabled on 14 March 2005 - PP 172/05)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesInterim report - Indigenous training and employment (presented out of session on 20 October 2004) (inquiry deferred: see report tabled on 8 December 2004)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesInterim report - Lifelong learning (presented out of session on 20 October 2004) (inquiry deferred: see report tabled on 8 December 2004)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesInterim report - Student income support (presented out of session on 20 October 2004) (see report tabled on 23 June 2005 - PP 144/05)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationWorkplace Relations Amendment (Agreement Validation) Bill 2004Parliamentary paper number 228/2004Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationReferences of the 40th Parliament (deferral of the re-adoption of an inquiry into a proposed amendment to Schedule 1B to the Workplace Relations Act)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesReferences of the 40th Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into student income support; deferral of re-adoption of the inquiry into life-long learning; deferral of re-adoption of the inquiry into indigenous employment and training)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Right of Entry) Bill 2004Parliamentary paper number 172/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Small Business Employment Protection) Bill 2004Parliamentary paper number 172/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAdditional estimates 2004-05Parliamentary paper number 64/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2005)Parliamentary paper number 60/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesInterim report - Indigenous education funding (see report tabled on 22 June 2005 - PP 138/05)Parliamentary paper number 59/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment (Promoting Safer Workplaces) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 172/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Bill 2005 and the Building and Construction Industry Improvement (Consequential and Transitional) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 172/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 172/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationBudget estimates 2005-06Parliamentary paper number 171/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesUnfair dismissal and small business employment [includes the Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal Reform) Bill 2004]Parliamentary paper number 151/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesIndigenous education funding: Final report (corrigendum tabled on 23 June 2005) (see interim report tabled on 16 March 2005 - PP 59/05)Parliamentary paper number 138/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesStudent income supportParliamentary paper number 144/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of Skilling Australia's Workforce Bill 2005 and Skilling Australia's Workforce (Repeal and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Higher Education Support Amendment (Abolition of Compulsory Up-front Student Union Fees) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Australian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia's Skills Needs) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationIndigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2005)Parliamentary paper number 202/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Workplace Relations Requirements) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Student Assistance Legislation Amendment Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationBills relating to the establishment of Carnegie Mellon University 2005: Provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 4) Bill 2005 and Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationReferencesWorkplace Agreements (presented out of session on 31 October 2005)Parliamentary paper number 279/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Bill 2005 (presented out of session on 22 November 2005) (additional information tabled on 9 December 2005)Parliamentary paper number 402/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationCommonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2005 and Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Related Amendments) Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 462/2005Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAdditional estimates 2005-06Parliamentary paper number 61/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2006)Parliamentary paper number 84/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the OHS and SRC Legislation Amendment Bill 2005Parliamentary paper number 145/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Amendment Bill 2006Parliamentary paper number 145/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Australian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia's Skills Needs) Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 6 June 2006)Parliamentary paper number 145/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Australian Research Council Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 June 2006)Parliamentary paper number 145/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationBudget estimates 2006-07Parliamentary paper number 144/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationProvisions of the Independent Contractors Bill 2006 and the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Independent Contractors) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 25 August 2006) (additional information tabled on 7 December 2006)Parliamentary paper number 436/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2006)Parliamentary paper number 175/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingHigher Education Legislation Amendment (2006 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2006 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 437/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingPerspectives on the future of the harvest labour forceParliamentary paper number 235/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingCommonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 [Provisions] (additional information tabled on 7 December 2006 and on 26 March 2007)Parliamentary paper number 437/2006Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingEmployment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Bill 2006 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 20 February 2007)Parliamentary paper number 106/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingSafety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 20 February 2007)Parliamentary paper number 106/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingAustralian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia's Skills Needs) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2006 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 20 February 2007)Parliamentary paper number 106/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingAdditional estimates 2006-07Parliamentary paper number 64/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2007)Parliamentary paper number 63/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingHigher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 1 May 2007) (additional remarks by ALP senators tabled on 10 May 2007)Parliamentary paper number 106/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingWorkplace Relations Amendment (A Stronger Safety Net) Bill 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 106/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingWorkplace Relations (Restoring Family Work Balance) Amendment Bill 2007Parliamentary paper number 106/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingBudget estimates (2007-08)Parliamentary paper number 129/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingHigher Education Support Amendment (Extending FEE-HELP for VET Diploma and VET Advanced Diploma Courses) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 30 July 2007)Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingSocial Security Legislation Amendment (2007 Budget Measures for Students) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 30 July 2007)Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingAustralian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia's Skills Needs) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingSocial Security Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 30 July 2007)Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingWorkforce challenges in the transport industryParliamentary paper number 134/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingInterim report - Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment (Cape York Measures) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 5 September 2007) (see report tabled on 10 September 2007 - PP 207/07)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingIndigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment (Cape York Measures) Bill 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingHigher Education Endowment Fund Bill 2007 [Provisions]; Higher Education Endowment Fund (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingInterim report - Higher Education Endowment Fund Bill 2007 [Provisions]; Higher Education Endowment Fund (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 5 September 2007) (see report tabled on 10 September 2007 - PP 207/07)Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2007)Parliamentary paper number 206/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingQuality of school educationParliamentary paper number 172/2007Document icon
Employment, Workplace Relations and EducationLegislative and General Purpose StandingSocial Security Amendment (2007 Measures No. 2) Bill 2007 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 207/2007Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingWorkplace Relations Amendment (Transition to Forward with Fairness) Bill 2008 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 149/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAdditional estimates 2007-08Parliamentary paper number 230/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2008)Parliamentary paper number 231/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingBudget estimates 2008-09Parliamentary paper number 309/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2008)Parliamentary paper number 556/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingSocial Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 559/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingSchools Assistance Bill 2008 [Provisions]; Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 559/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingBuilding and Construction Industry (Restoring Workplace Rights) Bill 2008Parliamentary paper number 559/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAllegations of academic bias in universities and schoolsParliamentary paper number 555/2008Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingHigher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities, and Other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 150/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingFair Work Bill 2008 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 27 February 2009)Parliamentary paper number 42/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAnnual Reports (No. 1 of 2009)Parliamentary paper number 46/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingAdditional Estimates 2008-09Parliamentary paper number 147/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislative and General Purpose StandingProvisions of the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 (presented out of session on 7 May 2009)Parliamentary paper number 150/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBudget estimates 2009-10Parliamentary paper number 148/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesDEEWR tender process to award employment services contractsParliamentary paper number 146/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationHigher Education Support Amendment (2009 Budget Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 5 August 2009)Parliamentary paper number 426/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesEffects of Climate Change on Training and Employment Needs (inquiry discharged)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2009)Parliamentary paper number 175/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBuilding and Construction Industry Improvement Amendment (Transition to Fair Work) Bill 2009 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 426/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationEducation Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Re-registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 16 October 2009)Parliamentary paper number 426/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work Amendment (State Referrals and Other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 426/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesProvision of childcareParliamentary paper number 319/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesWelfare of International StudentsParliamentary paper number 418/2009Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAdditional estimates 2009-10Parliamentary paper number 78/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationOccupational Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 166/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2010)Parliamentary paper number 79/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFamily Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Budget Measures) Bill 2010 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 166/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBudget estimates 2010-11Parliamentary paper number 164/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesInterim report: Primary Schools for the Twenty First Century ProgramParliamentary paper number 157/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationInterim Report: Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 27 July 2010)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesInterim report: The administration and reporting of NAPLAN testing (presented out of session on 27 July 2010)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesInterim report: Industry Skills Councils (presented out of session on 13 September 2010)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesReferences of the 42nd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Administration and reporting of NAPLAN testing; Industry Skills Council; Primary Schools for the 21st Century)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2010)Parliamentary paper number 334/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationEducation Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Bill 2010Parliamentary paper number 395/2010Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationSocial Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010Parliamentary paper number 187/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesAdministration and reporting of NAPLAN testing (presented out of session on 26 November 2010)Parliamentary paper number 1/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationNational Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011];National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2010 [2011];National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011Parliamentary paper number 187/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAdditional estimates 2010-11Parliamentary paper number 71/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2011)Parliamentary paper number 72/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesFinal report: Industry Skills CouncilsParliamentary paper number 61/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationTertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011 and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011Parliamentary paper number 187/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesFinal report: Primary Schools for the Twenty First Century Program (presented out of session on 25 March 2011)Parliamentary paper number 75/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationConsideration of Time Critical Bills: Social Security Amendment (Parenting Payment Transitional Arrangement) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 3 June 2011)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBudget estimates 2011-12Parliamentary paper number 180/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2011)Parliamentary paper number 191/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationWork Health and Safety Bill 2011 [Provisions] and Work Health and Safety (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 26 August 2011)Parliamentary paper number 456/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationSafety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Fair Protection for Firefighters) Bill 2011 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 456/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesThe administration and purchasing of Disability Employment Services in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 441/2011Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work Amendment (Textile, Clothing and Footwear Industry) Bill 2011Parliamentary paper number 461/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationEducation Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment (Tuition Protection Service and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and related billsParliamentary paper number 461/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBuilding and Construction Industry Improvement Amendment (Transition to Fair Work) Bill 2011 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 461/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2012)Parliamentary paper number 97/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAdditional estimates 2011-12Parliamentary paper number 466/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationCoastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Bill 2012 and related bills [Provisions] (presented out of session on 24 April 2012)Parliamentary paper number 461/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationEqual Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Amendment Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 461/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationSkills Australia Amendment (Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency) Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 462/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesInterim report: All aspects of higher education and skills training to support future demand in agriculture and agribusiness in Australia (presented out of session on 8 June 2012)Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesHigher education and skills training to support agriculture and agribusiness in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 142/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 462/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBudget estimates 2012-13Parliamentary paper number 467/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesThe shortage of engineering and related employment skills (presented out of session on 12 July 2012)Parliamentary paper number 203/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationSocial Security Legislation Amendment (Fair Incentives to Work) Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 469/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2012)Parliamentary paper number 465/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationHigher Education Support Amendment (Streamlining and Other Measures) Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 469/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work Amendment Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 469/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesThe adequacy of the allowance payment system for jobseekers and others, the appropriateness of the allowance payment system as a support into work and the impact of the changing nature of the labour marketParliamentary paper number 452/2012Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationProtecting Local Jobs (Regulating Enterprise Migration Agreements) Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 485/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work Amendment (Small Business-Penalty Rates Exemption) Bill 2012Parliamentary paper number 484/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Towards Transparency) Bill 2012Parliamentary paper number 485/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAustralian Education Bill 2012 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 484/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2013)Parliamentary paper number 235/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAdditional estimates 2012-13Parliamentary paper number 480/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAsbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 484/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationFair Work Amendment Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 484/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesTeaching and learning - maximising our investment in Australian schools (Erratum tabled on 17 June 2013)Parliamentary paper number 112/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationConsideration of Time Critical Bills: Early Years Quality Fund Special Account Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 484/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationConsideration of Time Critical Bills: Social Security Amendment (Supporting More Australians into Work) Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 485/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesConditions of employment of state public sector employeesParliamentary paper number 201/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationStudent Identifiers Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 485/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationAustralian Education Bill 2013 and Australian Education (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 484/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsLegislationBudget estimates 2013-14Parliamentary paper number 481/2013Document icon
Education, Employment and Workplace RelationsReferencesInterim report: Effectiveness of the National Assessment Program - Literacy and NumeracyParliamentary paper number 219/2013Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 490/2013Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBuilding and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 [Provisions] and Building and Construction Industry (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013 [Provisions] (Correction tabled on 3 December 2013)Parliamentary paper number 490/2013Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesReferences of the 43rd Parliament (re-adoption of the inquiry into: Effectiveness of the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2013)Parliamentary paper number 479/2013Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSchedules 6 and 9 of the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 490/2013Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2013-14Parliamentary paper number 457/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2014)Parliamentary paper number 449/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesGovernment's approach to re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction CommissionParliamentary paper number 55/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2013 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 56/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesFinal report: Effectiveness of the National Assessment Program - Literacy and NumeracyParliamentary paper number 54/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSocial Security Legislation Amendment (Green Army Programme) Bill 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 455/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesTechnical and further education in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 120/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment Bill 2014 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 5 June 2014)Parliamentary paper number 455/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationConsideration of Time Critical Bills: Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Measures) Bill 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 455/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationTertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Amendment Bill 2014Parliamentary paper number 455/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2014-15Parliamentary paper number 458/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSafety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 461/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesDelivery of quality and affordable early childhood education and care servicesParliamentary paper number 147/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesImmediate future of the childcare sector in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 148/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2014)Parliamentary paper number 450/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFamily Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Measures) Bill (No. 2) 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 460/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 460/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 461/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSocial Security Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Job Seeker Compliance Framework) Bill 2014 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 461/2014Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesInterim report: Operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 142/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education and Research Reform Bill 2014 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 13 March 2015)Parliamentary paper number 514/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2015)Parliamentary paper number 509/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesPrinciples of the Higher Education and Research Reform Bill 2014, and related mattersParliamentary paper number 141/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSeafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 515/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Bargaining Processes) Bill 2014 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 13 April 2015)Parliamentary paper number 514/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSafety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Legislation Amendment (Exit Arrangements) Bill 2015 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 8 May 2015)Parliamentary paper number 515/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationConstruction Industry Amendment (Protecting Witnesses) Bill 2015 (presented out of session on 8 May 2015)Parliamentary paper number 514/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2014-15 (presented out of session on 21 April 2015)Parliamentary paper number 511/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesSecond interim report: Operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia (presented out of session on 5 June 2015)Parliamentary paper number 230/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSafety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Improving the Comcare Scheme) Bill 2015 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 515/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2015-16Parliamentary paper number 512/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014 [No.2] [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 522/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2015)Parliamentary paper number 510/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesInterim report: Australia's temporary work visa programsParliamentary paper number 271/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesGetting our money's worth: the operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 273/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSocial Security Legislation Amendment (Further Strengthening Job Seeker Compliance) Bill 2015 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 522/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationEducation Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Streamlining Regulation) Bill 2015 [Provisions] and the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment (Streamlining Regulation) Bill 2015 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 522/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Support Amendment (VET FEE-HELP Reform) Bill 2015 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 522/2015Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesAccess to real learning: the impact of policy, funding and culture on students with disability (presented out of session on 15 January 2016)Parliamentary paper number 14/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Remaining 2014 Measures) Bill 2015 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 485/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesFeasibility of, and options for, creating a national long service standard, and the portability of long service and other entitlementsParliamentary paper number 70/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2015-16Parliamentary paper number 487/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2016)Parliamentary paper number 466/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBuilding and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 [No.2] [Provisions] and the Building and Construction Industry (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013 [No.2] [Provisions] (presented out of session on 11 March 2016)Parliamentary paper number 485/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesA National Disgrace: The Exploitation of Temporary Work Visa HoldersParliamentary paper number 96/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFamily Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) Bill 2015 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 4 April 2016)Parliamentary paper number 485/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFamily Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) Bill 2016 [Provisions] and Social Services Legislation Amendment (Family Payments Structural Reform and Participation Measures) Bill 2016 [Provisions](Corrigendum presented out of session on 20 Oct 16)Parliamentary paper number 489/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Respect for Emergency Services Volunteers) Bill 2016 [Provisions] (Corrigendum presented out of session on 11 November 2016)Parliamentary paper number 489/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2016)Parliamentary paper number 467/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationVET Student Loans Bill 2016 [Provisions]; VET Student Loans (Charges) Bill 2016 [Provisions] and the VET Student Loans (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2016 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 490/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBuilding and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 [Provisions] and a related bill and the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 14 October 2016)Parliamentary paper number 489/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSocial Security Legislation Amendment (Youth Jobs Path: Prepare, Trial, Hire) Bill 2016 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 490/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2015Parliamentary paper number 489/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesSiege of attrition: the Government's APS Bargaining Policy (Additional information and corrigendum presented out of session on 16 December 2016)Parliamentary paper number 442/2016Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSeafarers and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (Provisions) and related billsParliamentary paper number 2/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBuilding and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Amendment Bill 2017 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 14/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2017)Parliamentary paper number 52/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationInterim report: Additional estimates 2016-17 (presented out of session on 13 April 2017)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2016-17 (presented out of session on 19 April 2017)Parliamentary paper number 103/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Corrupting Benefits) Bill 2017 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 112/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 113/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Repeal of 4 Yearly Reviews and Other Measures) Bill 2017 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 22 May 2017)Parliamentary paper number 147/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAustralian Education Amendment Bill 2017 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 176/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2017-18Parliamentary paper number 201/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Support Legislation Amendment (A More Sustainable, Responsive and Transparent Higher Education System) Bill 2017 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 231/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Pay Protection) Bill 2017Parliamentary paper number 286/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2017)Parliamentary paper number 274/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesCorporate avoidance of the Fair Work Act 2009Parliamentary paper number 281/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Ensuring Integrity) Bill 2017 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 12 October 2017)Parliamentary paper number 441/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationInterim report: Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Ensuring Integrity) Bill 2017 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 6 October 2017)Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesPenalty rates (presented out of session on 4 October 2017)Parliamentary paper number 439/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Laws Amendment (Proper Use of Worker Benefits) Bill 2017 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 10 November 2017)Parliamentary paper number 626/2017Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationMigration Amendment (Skilling Australians Fund) Bill 2017 [Provisions] and Migration (Skilling Australians Fund) Charges Bill 2017 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 9 February 2018)Parliamentary paper number 19/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Support Legislation Amendment (Student Loan Sustainability) Bill 2018 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 16 March 2018)Parliamentary paper number 50/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesVocational education and training in South Australia (presented out of session on 1 March 2018)Parliamentary paper number 48/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesProgress report: Vocational education and training in South Australia (presented out of session on 28 February 2018)
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2018)Parliamentary paper number 59/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationPublic Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Executive Remuneration) Bill 2017 [Provisions]Parliamentary paper number 105/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2017-18 (presented out of sitting on 4 April 2018)Parliamentary paper number 131/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationEducation and Other Legislation Amendment (VET Student Loan Debt Separation) Bill 2018 and Student Loans (Overseas Debtors Repayment Levy) Amendment Bill 2018 (presented out of session on 15 June 2018)Parliamentary paper number 183/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2018-19Parliamentary paper number 213/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesWork health and safety of workers in the offshore petroleum industryParliamentary paper number 267/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2018)Parliamentary paper number 279/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2018 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 12 October 2018)Parliamentary paper number 341/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesThey never came home - the framework surrounding the prevention, investigation and prosecution of industrial deaths in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 380/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesWage theft? What wage theft?! The exploitation of general and specialist cleaners working in retail chains for contracting or subcontracting cleaning companiesParliamentary paper number 536/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Support (Charges) Bill 2018 [Provisions] and Higher Education Support Amendment (Cost Recovery) Bill 2018 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 23 November 2018)Parliamentary paper number 551/2018Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesThe people behind 000: mental health of our first respondersParliamentary paper number 59/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesJobactive: failing those it is intended to serveParliamentary paper number 64/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Right to Request Casual Conversion) Bill 2019 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 26 March 2019)Parliamentary paper number 133/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2018-19Parliamentary paper number 148/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2019)Parliamentary paper number 155/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2019-20 (presented out of session on 14 May 2019)Parliamentary paper number 176/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2019)Parliamentary paper number 228/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFamily Assistance Legislation Amendment (Building on the Child Care Package) Bill 2019 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 11 October 2019)Parliamentary paper number 286/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Laws Amendment (Proper Use of Worker Benefits) Bill 2019 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 25 October 2019)Parliamentary paper number 461/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Ensuring Integrity) Bill 2019 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 25 October 2019)Parliamentary paper number 462/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationEducation Legislation Amendment (Tuition Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2019 [Provisions] and related bills (presented out of session on 22 November 2019)Parliamentary paper number 494/2019Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationStudent Identifiers Amendment (Enhanced Student Permissions) Bill 2019 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 19 February 2020)Parliamentary paper number 30/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2020)Parliamentary paper number 47/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2019-20 (presented out of session on 20 March 2020)Parliamentary paper number 76/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAustralian Education Amendment (Direct Measure of Income) Bill 2020 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 20 March 2020)Parliamentary paper number 75/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationPayment Times Reporting 2020 [Provisions] and Payment Times Reporting (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 30 July 2020)Parliamentary paper number 161/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2020)Parliamentary paper number 184/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Support Amendment (Job-Ready Graduates and Supporting Regional and Remote Students) Bill 2020 (presented out of session on 25 September 2020)Parliamentary paper number 224/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Legislation Amendment (Provider Category Standards and Other Measures) Bill 2020 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 27 November 2020)Parliamentary paper number 516/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2020-21 (presented out of session on 17 November 2020)Parliamentary paper number 496/2020Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2021)Parliamentary paper number 37/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationProgress report: Online Safety Bill 2021 [Provisions] and Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 9 March 2021)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia's Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 12 March 2021)Parliamentary paper number 70/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesDriving a fairer deal: Regulation of the relationship between car manufacturers and car dealers in AustraliaParliamentary paper number 83/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2020-21 (presented out of session on 20 April 2021)Parliamentary paper number 102/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationTime-critical bill: Progress report: Social Security Legislation Amendment (Streamlined Participation Requirements and Other Measures) Bill 2021 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 3 June 2021)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationTime-critical bill: Social Security Legislation Amendment (Streamlined Participation Requirements and Other Measures) Bill 2021 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 18 June 2021)Parliamentary paper number 197/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAustralian Education Legislation Amendment (Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children) Bill 2020 (presented out of session on 5 July 2021)Parliamentary paper number 200/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2021-22 (presented out of session on 13 July 2021)Parliamentary paper number 267/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Bill 2021 (presented out of session on 6 August 2021)Parliamentary paper number 230/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2021)Parliamentary paper number 279/2021Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAustralian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018 (presented out of session on 21 March 2022)Parliamentary paper number 69/2022Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationProgress report: Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018 (presented out of session on 15 March 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional estimates 2021-22Parliamentary paper number 143/2022Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2022) (presented out of session on 31 March 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2022-23 (presented out of session on 16 May 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022 [Provisions] (presented out of session 1 September 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationJobs and Skills Australia Bill 2022 [Provisions] and the Jobs and Skills Australia (National Skills Commissioner Repeal) Bill 2022 [Provisions]Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment (Equal Pay for Equal Work) Bill 2022Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFamily Assistance Legislation Legislation Amendment (Cheaper Child Care) Bill 2022 [Provisions] (Presented out of session 16 November 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationProgress Report: Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 (Presented out of session 17 November 2022)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 [Provisions]Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget Estimates 2022-23Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationEducation and Other Legislation Amendment (Abolishing Indexation and Raising the Minimum Repayment Income for Education and Training Loans) Bill 2022 (presented out of session on 17 April 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationJobs and Skills Australia Amendment Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 24 April 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 28 April 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationNational Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Streamlining) Amendment Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 14 April 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationEducation Legislation Amendment (Startup Year and Other Measures) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 28 April 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2023-24Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesNational trend of school refusal and related mattersDocument icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationCOVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 and Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023 (Presented out of session on 25 August 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationSocial Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 31 August 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesPotential impacts of the Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave Scheme on small businesses and their employees (presented out of session on 31 August 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual report (No. 2 of 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationProgress report: Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 27 September 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationHigher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 11 October 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesInterim report: Issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms (presented out of session on 1 December 2023)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAustralian Research Council Amendment (Review Response) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 5 February 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Bill 2023 (presented out of session on 1 February 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentReferencesIssue of increasing disruption in Australian school classroomsDocument icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationFair Work Amendment Bill 2024 (presented out of session on 14 March 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAdditional Estimates 2023-24Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 1 of 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBudget estimates 2024-25Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationAnnual reports (No. 2 of 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationProgress report: Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 (presented out of session on 6 September 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationUniversities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024 (presented out of session on 3 October 2024)Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationEducation Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationUniversities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationBetter and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024Document icon
Education and EmploymentLegislationWage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024 (presented out of session on 30 October 2024)Document icon